I bow to the winds that carry fragrance sent by - TopicsExpress


I bow to the winds that carry fragrance sent by Guruji--- Chapter—53 I went to Bada Mandir on Shivratri---2007----when I reached the main gate I thought of just touching the out-side ground with my one hand in respect to Guruji. I had a heavy bag with me---so I tried to save the trouble to touch the ground with my forehead. The moment I touched the ground with hand, I got a big push from the back and I lost my balance---and with my bag I was on the ground and—and---my forehead beautifully touching the holy grounds of Guruji. This has been the style of Guruji to teach me proper etiquettes—प्यार से मान जाओ तो अच्छा है ---नहीं तो मार से--- it is not only in this practice of bowing---it is in all other ways He has been teaching the propriety of good manners in all other things as well. Before I entered the darbar, I took my place in the queue entering the darbar I found that the devotees were not allowed to bow at Guruji’s feet---I was very sad---and with each step going ahead---with my eyes at Guruji’s feet---I kept on bowing at Guruji’s feet time and again in my mind only. When I was very near---was just behind five to six persons in front of Guruji----was hoping against hope to go ahead and to bow at Guruji’s feet. I was stopped but I did not retaliate. I just bowed in my mind with full devotion and went ahead. I had just taken two steps when Guruji called me back. It was the moment of moments to remember all my life. I bowed and Guruji told me to sit and I sat in front of Him ---my Guruji---. After all He had considered me worthy to sit near His feet. There were a few persons already sitting. Guruji introduced me to them saying--इस दी बड़ी श्रधा है---they looked at me very keenly ----Then Guruji asked me---“कीदै नाल आयी है”---in general my reply used to be that it was with my daughter---but this was the first time I could not speak out anything---as I was not a clean slate---and I remembered well that all through the way Guruji’s voice was with me. This was my last day with Guruji and this was the first time that I had broken my fast before bowing at Guruji’s feet----rather in other words I had not kept any fast. Earlier to this, when ever I went to bow at Guruji’s feet in Delhi---I would start my fast after taking bath at 5 O’ clock in the morning. I would keep it up till I bowed at Guruji’s feet. Earlier---I used to be ushered in Guruji’s presence in the Chotta mandir and I would be given langar there. But this time—they directly told me that Guruji did not wish to see anyone–--. I had to go from Chotta Mandir to Guruji’s Bada mandir on my own. When I used to be on fast---fatigue and hunger used to be extremely torturesome—especially on 7th July---due to heat. But the nights of celebrations in the mandir used to be awesome and then in the morning---without my asking Guruji would, without fail, tell someone to get me aboard the train. That night, there was unprecedented rush of devotees---when I went for langar there was nothing left---I had gone very late---it was past twelve-----there were many more standing in the queue---still I could manage to get one plate for my daughter---I thought that I had taken langar so many times I should carry just one plate only---so that others could have it. I carried it to the guest room of the mandir----She partook it and I opened my kit and ate the meals that I had carried from Jalandhar. It became as good as Prasad. Guruji has His own enigmatic ways and styles which are highly unpredictable---He will often say something and get something else done. It has happened to me many a times---He would first say something and then would create such a situation that the thing spoken by Him will have hindrances and it will not be got done but something better will come forth. Once I made a programme to go to Agra with the due permission of Revered Guruji---I got the reservation done. I packed and rang up Karunesh Virmani-----that I would start from home within an hour. Karunesh had---got the tickets reserved from Delhi so that we should travel together but at the last moment, I was ordered by Guruji to unpack----the similar instance took place on Baisakhi-2007. All ready to go—but again at the last moment I was stopped by Guruji. My attitude towards what I hear from Guruji is a resigned one---I know that only that thing will happen what Guruji wishes at the last moment. So I keep waiting to see the will of Guruji. I remember an incident from those ones--when I used to visit pandits to get to know of my husbands whereabouts---I would hear from them---( I know Guruji could make them also speak)---that from that time onward I did not have to do anything---things will automatically get done ---I would never believe it---but I see that lots of things get done with the suddenness of magic---for example---to my utmost satisfaction and joy-----I suddenly found my pancreas---green again and could enjoy eating-shifts of my choice and was no longer a diabetic. Lots of things done by Guruji many times go unnoticed by the devotees---one of those things is the glow on the faces of people----especially when you are sitting in a satsang---you know that Guruji is present here or there-----and everywhere through His rays and fragrance or He reveals Himself and His presence---in many different ways to His blessings. If you observe carefully you will find that there are a few whose faces have unusual glow and radiance---and that is sent by Guruji through His celestial rays. When I see this glow I tell others about it and they see it with wonder and all of us watching would find the glow being shifted from that person to an other ---there is no end to Guruji’ reservoir of Divinity. And ---and---we are born in the best possible age to personally experience these wonderous spectacles of the Higher and highly splendid world---I sometimes feel that Guruji has shown us---not only shown us His presence but also got us the experiences of heaven. I give an instance----The following words are from an introductory chapter of my, so far unprinted, book of Guruji’s Biography. “The impact of the first darshan of Guruji upon our soul is that of a refreshing shower of rain upon sweltering, hot, dust-laden earth. The rainwater washes the earth of all its dirt and each blade of grass wears a new life. Similarly, Guruji’s darshan drenches us with all-renewing love. Our minds, our hearts, our spirits are cleansed of grime. A rainbow glow sweeps across the soul; the mind, becalmed, rests in the tranquility of its own moonlight”. The day I wrote these words---it actually rained very heavily. It was a mandir day---and while my son drove me home---I saw not less than 15 cars passing on the other side of the road---and Lo! I saw to the wonder of my soul that there was finest possible rainbow on each car----this is the highest type of what you call ‘maya’ or Leela of Guruji. These are unheard ways and unimaginable styles----those who do not know Guruji would not believe a bit of what I say---since I have sat to write my experiences---they are exactly word to word as they have happened---they are so wonderous that I fall short of words---. Another thing worth noting is that---Guruji reciprocates our services in the most endearing manner. You will enjoy another style of Guruji. Whenever I used to be nervous and full of fear----and was sitting in the varanda near the gate of the house---Guruji would show me some sardarji--- twirling his moustaches---it was just to show to me---by Guruji----His endless power to support me during the time of difficulty----( Sardar ji twirling his moustaches is significant of his power of doing things )---(THAT HE--- LIKE--- A SARDAR JI---IS CAPABLE OF SAVING ME OUT OF THE PROBLEMS----AND ALSO HE WOULD HAPPILY HELP ME---THUS HE GAVE ME CONFIDENCE AND REASSURANCE IN A NOVEL STYLE-----that is the high style of my Guruji but it is done through Gurujis very powerful rays---good sardar ji can never know why on earth he gives his moustaches a twirl. A very striking fact is that such a sight could be seen many a times and the objects are different persons. Guruji always taught me by repeating the similar actions time and again. Then the stage comes we understand Guruji’s gesture at the first sight. It is just like the forehead protruding without the knowledge of a person when AUM appears---the person concerned does not know----most of you live in a very fast age of science and machine---you do not have time to watch---but I was made quiet by Guruji---was not allowed to speak a word---and my faculties of eyes which were directed by Guruji had become very sharp---naturally the Lord of Lords showing the things—. Now it is altogether a different affair---with the only difference---that I like a stupid fool thought that these things were happening with me only---of course---now I know that they happen to others also---my eyes are opened to Guruji’s vast and far reaching power. I went to Delhi and knew that Guruji looked after so many more dear ones---as well as me. Me and my Guruji Once a devotee remarked that we should not tell so much about our experiences about Guruji as those few who do not experience them get disheartened. I think that I would respect that person more if he has more to tell about Guruji. I think if he has more to tell--he should tell--he must tell--- because it will just reveal more of our Gurujis power----that is our only purpose after the Mahasmadhi. I think that it is better to tell than bury the blessings of Guruji in heart for ever. I think that if there is not much to tell even then also we should not feel shy----because it is all according to resources in way of time--I mean--- time at your hand--or little time that is spent with Guruji----. I think that Gurujis all watching eyes---weigh and measure all aspects of our life. I think Guruji weighs and measures the sewa of present and past lives and also and fixes our future accordingly. I think that every sewa and karma of you is highly valuable---no matter big or small. I think Guruji tests our will and desire to serve Him---and He also many times puts us in highly difficult circumstances just to see how far we can go. I think that every minute of our life is a test-----Jo tum prem khilan ka chaho----sir dhar tali --gali meri Aao--जो तुम प्रेम खिलन का चाहो ---सिर धर तली गली मेरी आओ ---it is the love for the Lord----that we can come more and more--with our head cut off and placed in our hands. I think--positive courage for a cause--- it matters a lot. I think I have time and resources and a will to sing in praise of your Guruji---you also sing with me or alone--that is your style. I think that it is better to share---- because what I know about Guruji has been ractified and confirmed by the experiences of Gurujis dear devotees. The experiences of others have given me great confidence. I think we should keep our ears alert to hear from others when they tell something in our Lords praise. I think that our path is the same---like a big herd of animal migrating to a better resort. Or like a flock of birds migrating to a better and more conducive surrounding. I think it is better to join hands than going alone. I think, for certain, that I am no better than other devotees----like them I am also a helpless person. I think that we should aspire to be like others who have more to tell----. I think that we should let Him--- the Lord of us to put us in some sewa---big or small---or of this kind or the other ---or in this style or another----it is sewa that matters ----whether you do or I do----or any one else does--it does not matter. I think that we should all be appreciative of that sewa. I think that if I do or you do it does not matter---- we do for Guruji----He belongs to all of us and in this ever increasing family we have certain responsibilities----and we must fulfil them properly. We should be kind and helpful to the new sangat. I will define the different aspects of our sewa-----= = when a family member is sick---somebody goes for a doctor---the other looks to need of the sick---and other goes to earn money etc. The same way there are lots of things to be done and Guruji would give us only that sewa for which we are fit and capable. I think life is like this only. I think that we should go on in our styles----the rest is up to Guruji----I pray to Him to have His kirpa on us all. JAI GURUJI
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 03:55:55 +0000

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