I call this Emoticon Love Story or Reasons You Shouldnt Leave - TopicsExpress


I call this Emoticon Love Story or Reasons You Shouldnt Leave Tawni Alone in the Bath With Her iPhone. (Im now sadly adding words in the place of emojis because my iPhone erased them. It was more fun with emojis.) Once there was an octopus who loved a monkey. In Emotica, the world in which they lived, their love was forbidden. After all, how can a tentacle really understand a prehensile tail? But in spite if the restrictions, the octopus and the monkey secretly slipped out for wine and squash together. (There is no innuendo implied by the purple squash. The had a thing for squash.) The restaurant they visited was presided over by an elephant with a crystal ball. (No relation to Ganesh.) Smiling knowingly, the wise pachyderm looked on as they celebrated. Oh, how they celebrated. The octopus drank eight glasses of Malbec. The monkey ate squash soufflé until his belly grew ripe and round. Somewhere between glasses six and seven, the octopus began to weep. I want to love you, but cannot! he cried. The monkey bowed his felt covered head and wept too, whispering, It is true. We can never be. Woe to me. The elephant began to laugh. Furious, the octopus picked up two glasses and shattered them against a wall. How dare you mock our pain? he wailed. Befuddled, the elephant shook his great gray head. Mock you? I am only overjoyed to see the love that already lives between you. He carried his crystal ball to the table and carefully placed it at the center, adjusting it with his trunk so the light hit just right. In the only world that matters, you are already together. The octopus and monkey peered into the crystal ball and saw themselves there, hanging together in an apple tree so big, its arms embraced the world. With three tentacles, the octopus hung from a branch. The monkey hung by his tail. And so the things that keep you apart are the things that bring you together, sighed the elephant. Delighted, the octopus ordered up another round. To love that transcends time and space! he toasted. Would you like more squash? the elephant asked the monkey. The monkey looked into the octopuss eyes, smiling coyly. I think Ill try a glass of wine, boss, he said. And so the monkey learned to love Malbec, and the octopus learned to love without shame the sight of the monkeys tail bobbing flirtatiously in candlelight. Are you sure you arent related to Ganesh? the monkey asked before the two lovers strolled, tail in tentacle, into the moonlight night. The elephant winked. Next time you come, try the shrimp, he chuckled. And the two lovers walked home wondering if they had been served by a member of the Hindu pantheon, knowing that whatever the truth regarding the s Ganesh-ness or lack thereof, they had most certainly seen the face of God.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 16:42:09 +0000

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