I cannot tell you how many times someone has said this to me since - TopicsExpress


I cannot tell you how many times someone has said this to me since Janessa died. After about a year, I started to ask them what reason would there be for a precious baby girl to die? Those who could reply said they believed it was part of Gods plan. I will never buy into that, ever. If there is a God, he doesnt kill babies. Not a God I would believe in. Not a God I would love. Sometimes really bad things happen. To really good people. For no reason but by chance. For those who believe in God, I believe He is there to walk your road of loss & pain. To help you when you need him. But Ill never believe he caused that pain or ripped our precious babies from our arms to teach a lesson or cause a ripple effect. That would be cruel, as those who have lost a child know how devastating & debilitating that pain is. I do believe lives are changed, lessons are learned, ripple effects happen but not because God ended a life for that purpose. Because thats what we do. We survive. In the almost life-ending after-effect of the loss of a child, we find our strength & our voice. Lets give ourselves some credit of being a survivor. If God helped you survive, how amazing is that! I know In the early days of my grief, He helped me. But, for all that is good & mighty....I dont believe he took your childs life or mine.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 16:18:03 +0000

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