I challenged members of our Putnam County Prayer Group to tell two - TopicsExpress


I challenged members of our Putnam County Prayer Group to tell two people today how grateful they are to have them in their lives. The first person I would like to thank for always being there for me is Dede Baird. Deanna and I met many years ago as teachers at Coffee High School in Douglas, GA. What a joy it has been to know Deanna. We were there to support each other through our divorces and have been able to celebrate the joys of moving on to better things. Deanna has always been an inspiration to me in her ability to laugh and enjoy life when she could have easily said Bump It and given up. Deanna has faced some mighty big health issues and has never felt sorry for herself, has continued to fight, and has shown me her courage. She has allowed me to laugh not only with her, but, at her in her beginning days of teaching. Such an idealist. Wow! I still smile when I think of those days. For always being there for me, Deanna, I thank you and am grateful that you are in my life. The second person I would like to thank is Dennis McLeroy. Dennis and I went to school together and our parents were very good friends. One of my most fond memories of growing up with Dennis was the Easter that I just about broke his neck. We both went to First United Methodist Church and were leaving Sunday School, heading to church services. Dennis was in front of me, going down some pretty steep stairs when I tripped in my new white high heels. As I fell, I grabbed Dennis and we both tumbled all the way down the stairs. At the bottom, he kindly helped me up and he never mentioned it again. I thank him for not embarrassing me about that. Upon moving back to Eatonton (after being gone for 45 years), I ran into Dennis at a class reunion and we truly bonded. I had my friend, Dennis, back. Since that encounter, Dennis and I have remained in touch. Although he lives a couple of hours away, he visits Eatonton frequently to visit his aging father. I so respect him for the closeness he has with his dad. In Dennis eyes, the sun rises and sets in his daddy. He RESPECTS his father. Each time he comes to town, Dennis and I try to get together for lunch or at least talk. One of our most enjoyable afternoons was spent sitting on the sidewalk outside a local restaurant for the afternoon. We reminisced about how we remembered town, the shop owners from the 60s, our classmates, our teachers, we talked about the VietNam War where Dennis was a helicopter pilot, we talked about the types of music we liked and we spoke about how much we each loved our families. Dennis eyes light up when he speaks of his family. I guess this is the point where I have to thank his wife, Linda Bloodgood McLeroy, for loaning me her husband on his trips home. I get tickled here because my children speak of Dennis as being Moms married boyfriend. I, evidently, talk about our visits when I speak to my kids. LOL Thank you, Dennis, for being my long-time friend, for believing that moving back home to Eatonton was the right thing for me to do. Thank you for listening to my rants about life. Thank you for letting me see the beauty of a mans love for his father. Thank you for showing me a man who loves and respects his family. Thank you for being that same overboard, sometimes obnoxious, funny, loyal, educated, kind boy I remember from long ago. I am grateful that you are in my life.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 00:08:33 +0000

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