I choose India because aside from India is the second largest - TopicsExpress


I choose India because aside from India is the second largest country (measured in population), India is a land of fairy tales, princess, palaces and preening peacocks and a proud history of giant forts. You will also find hills, deserts, seas, green fields and also the forests. In cities you will encounter overcrowded markets, sky scrapers, and latest model of cars with all the facilities of lavish living available. In contrast to that in rural areas you will find people still living in mud houses with simplicity and traveling by camel and bullock carts and they are lacking with the basic amenities of life. Indians pride themselves in their hospitality. There is a Hindu saying “Atithi Devo Bhav”, which means “Guest is God”. Most Indians practice this saying and you will be met by friendly and curious people, who want to make your stay enjoyable and as good as possible. India is a colorful and fascinating country. You will surely be enchanted by the magnitude of contrasts that is concealed in this country, find deep traditional and cultural roots existing side by side with the modern impact of globalization. India is the only country on the globe with unity in diversity. The language, the tradition and the culture changes after every 100 kilometer. People are having faith in many religions with wide range of rituals and customs which cannot be found anywhere else. #PERFORMACETASK
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 03:29:41 +0000

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