I dont like mass tagging. It makes me cringe and die a little - TopicsExpress


I dont like mass tagging. It makes me cringe and die a little inside, but if your eyes just so happens to stumble across my first poem of the New Year and read it, I would love your opinions. Thank you. Love you. #LoveOnSomebody This Is Forward Thinking This poem is for Davonte, Keone, Elijah and Bobby. Because there are people who see killing kings like them as a hobby. Because of their melanin theyre hunted, Because of their strength theyre wanted, Because of their wisdom they are stunted, Because of their lineage they will always be confronted. Because they exist in a way that can not be erased... This poem is for Akasha, Aliyah and Eden, Because there is an agenda to ensure these queens who will never realize in a sea of darkness they are beacons, Because being a woman alone means they will be forced to endure, Because of their spiritual capacity they will always fight simultaneously multiple wars, Because of their beauty they will be characterized as whores, Because of their own mind they will be seen as bitter or sore. Because they are an embodiment of Gods Grace... This poem is for a generation, Of children who did not ask to be brought into this nation, Who did not ask to be limited, Who did not wish to live inhibited, Or have their own rights and freedoms be prohibited, To be scorned and judged by strangers unsolicited. Because they dream despite it all... This is for a people, Who have become awakened that we are not seen as equal, Who have seen how deep goes the rabbits hole, And have watched an empire play with and pay for our souls, Have allowed others to gain control, And upset the totem pole. Because theyve seen and caused even angels to fall, This is for a world, That makes no claim in the upbringing of its boys and girls. Takes no charge in the outcome of the future it produced, Takes pride in the minds of its youth being seduced. Takes what it pleases and leaves the rest for us to make use, Takes no prisoners out of fear of the survivors scorn that can be let loose. And because freedom is inherited despite whats learned in education, I have been praying for you. I have been using the tools that God has given to not contribute, To the, madness, sadness, chaos or turmoil, In fact, Ive been working in progression in the opposite direction of negativities plot to foil, All that is righteous in the universe, From free food to free verse. I will; in one conversation, one donation, one visitation, one hug, one meal, one poem, one song, one smile, one step at a time heal and rebuild my nation. So this poem is really for you and me, A reminder to not just look but to see. In every beast is a broken heart, Theres always light for every dark. There is always peace following every storm, There is always something to celebrate in every mourn. The world needs balance. And I know you cant see it now, but you are not alone, because of your growth, we all have grown. We just dont know it yet, The ripple in this pool of life has continuous effects. So when making waves I urge you to do so with good intent, For everything you put out will always come back again. Because, just when you think youve reached wits end, there is life beyond the challenge.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 14:47:16 +0000

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