I dont understand the butthurt over people mourning the loss of - TopicsExpress


I dont understand the butthurt over people mourning the loss of Paul Walker. Yes, there are people who lose their lives doing better things than driving cars and dropping panties worldwide. Our military is a prime example of that; men and women of all ages have laid down their lives for our safety. Service members have always been my biggest heroes, and always will be. But not everyone has the same heroes. People can look up to anyone they choose, be it anyone from a movie star or a soldier to a completely fictional character. Thats why theyre heroes. They make someones day-to-day life better by looking up to these people/characters and following in the (hopefully good) footsteps of their heroes. Is everyone whos been considered a hero in someones eyes always a good one? Good god, no. But when you see someone as your hero, you find one or more qualities about them to be good/appealing/insert other synonym here. You strive to be like them in some way, shape, or form. Just think about who you call your hero. Why do you call them your hero? because you look up to them. My grandfather and my dad are both my heroes; and even though many of my efforts fail, I try my best to be like them and be the best person I can be, because I look up to them. So what if some kid is mourning Walker because he wants to be a stunt driver/actor/stud/etc like he was? Follow your damn dreams, and dont stomp on or mock someone for theirs. Call whoever you want a hero, but dont belittle and shame others for who THEY call a hero.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 08:44:24 +0000

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