I feel led to share with you from the message at church this - TopicsExpress


I feel led to share with you from the message at church this morning, because it was amazing to me once again just how perfect Gods timing is to have this be the message on the day that we begin the 40-day challenge to pray for our nation. The message came from the book of Daniel when Daniel interpreted the dreams of King Nebuchadnezzar, an arrogant and prideful King, who refused to heed the warnings of the Lord. In the final dream the King sees a massive tree cut down and everything that had flourished, completely wiped out. It was Gods final warning to him to repent of his evil ways or to face the wrath of God, and foolishly he did not repent. He lost everything and ended up going crazy and was thrown out of society to be shamed and to live like an animal. From this piece of scripture came the message that nations and rulers are made by the hands of God. God offers warnings, because he does not take pleasure in judgment. We need to be smart enough to heed those warnings so that we do not end up like Nebuchadnezzar. The message went on about the absurdity of pride....that in the end, it will not matter how big our house was, what kind of car we drove, how much $ we had, what degree or title we obtained etc....it will be whether we lived a life worthy of God. Gods heart is to redeem....he will meet us if we repent.....but WE HAVE TO DO OUR PART.....WE HAVE TO REPENT AND ASK FOR HIS MERCY! Those that walk in pride, He is able to humble Lord.....I thank you for this word of truth today as we commit ourselves to pray fervently for our nation over the next 40 days. I truly believe that our nation is in the same situation as Nebuchadnezzar when you gave him the final warning. You have been shaking us, shouting at us, desperately trying to get our attention to warn us to turn from our wicked ways......and we have mocked you, disrespected you, ignored you, and turned away from you in our arrogance and foolish pride. Everywhere you turn there is corruption, violence, greed, evil.....the enemy has infiltrated our culture. Our nation is on the verge of collapse.....how much more of a warning do we need? IN THE NAME OF JESUS, I DECLARE THAT IT IS TIME FOR AMERICA TO WAKE UP AND TO HEED YOUR WARNING! On behalf of all that I have done as an individual to grieve you, I am truly sorry for having the audacity to think that I could handle life on my own. I beg for your mercy and ask for your grace and your help to live each day of my life as you want me to. On behalf of my nation, I ask for the same mercy....for those that do not know you or refuse to know you, I pray that they will be overtaken by the power of your holy spirit so that they will bow to you and beg for mercy. For those that have turned from you, I pray that they turn back to you. Let every corrupt, perverse, evil, arrogant, ungodly thought, action, spirit etc. Be swallowed up by your consuming fire and replaced with your spirit. Bring a revival to our land. Return to the center of our lives, families, schools, workplaces, communities, governments, and nation so that everywhere we turn YOU ARE THERE! Help us to be the Daniels of the world so that we might impact everywhere we go. Help us to be light in the darkness. Use us, Lord! Help us to die to self so that we might have more of You. You have promised great things, if only we follow you. I want all of you, Lord and I pray that our nation will heed your warnings so that they will want you, too. In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray and declare this!
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 01:43:48 +0000

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