I had the MOST amazing privilege this morning of leading worship - TopicsExpress


I had the MOST amazing privilege this morning of leading worship with a great team at Camp Pendleton. It was for their recruits who are still in bootcamp. I was so incredibly blown away by the reality of what these brave young men have signed up to do. With the perilous, precarious state that the world is in they still signed up to fight for us. I was powerfully moved by the brotherhood of the Marines but also by the brotherhood of the body of Christ. I saw the synchronicity of the supernatural body of Christ and the natural body of the brotherhood of the military at work. I looked out at the sea of these achingly young faces (some seventeen and eighteen year old) and felt my Mothers heart stir. I prayed that they would be invisible to anyone who would do them harm and that they would be able to move in and out of dangerous places undetected. I also prayed like a Mother for those who are homesick and may be feeling weak or inept but obviously cannot voice that. I spoke of the Mothers heart that God made. and how Mothers are nurturers, encouragers and protecters. I figured they were probably not getting much Mommy stuff while at bootcamp. LOL. So I prayed those things over them. That they have what it takes and that they can do anything through Christ who strengthens them. I prayed for them to be able to access the Lion of the Tribe of Judah that is in them. For their hearts to be fortified and for every gift and talent and experience that they have and are getting to be multiplied. They are a special and chosen generation.to go and protect and lay it down for country and brother/sister. I reflected on my life when I was eighteen and came up short. I was one of the most selfish rebellious people you could ever meet. I would not have laid down anything for anyone. I would only have taken. So with a new appreciation and so much sincere gratitude in my heart I say thank you so much to our amazing military. To the incredibly brave and selfless young men I met this morning. THANK YOU and God bless your whole LIFE! You are amazing!
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 23:34:57 +0000

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