I had to give a 7 year old a crash course in slavery and civil - TopicsExpress


I had to give a 7 year old a crash course in slavery and civil rights this evening- he is a white kid who is currently being fostered by a black family-this family loves him,they take him to a wonderful church that he loves going to and they embrace him as their own- he came back to his foster home after being on a visit with his family last week and he began using the N word- he said thats what his family members call his foster family- That prompted me to begin educating this little kid, and hoping I could leave a positive mark on him before he was returned home- Btw he openly states that he loves his foster mother and brother This is a video I show to all of my students when I was teaching intro to psych at Indiana tech and I think is so relevant considering all if the race issues we are currently experiencing ....when you see the kids at the end of the video please ask yourself- why do these black kids see themselves as bad? Why do they associate white with good? Did they learn this at home? And how will these kids esteem and self worth translate into daily life as they develop? It seems Obamas presidency has drawn the racists out of the woodwork- unfortunately I dont allow people like that in my life so all of the people who need to see this are not on my friends list-but maybe the video can be passed around and change 1 persons mind..... Its 7 minutes long https://m.youtube/watch?v=YWyI77Yh1Gg
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 05:39:32 +0000

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