I have been writing letters again. [those of you who know realise - TopicsExpress


I have been writing letters again. [those of you who know realise I can be relentless!!] I am sharing again in the hope of inspiring others to do the same. The reaction from the teachers has been joyous and at this time of year I know they need a boost. to Kirsty I am writing to thank you, for all your efforts this year. Thank you Kirsty, for every extra effort, you have taken with Max! My admiration and respect for teachers, is exponentially increased, in each year my children thrive at this marvelous school! I have realised, how much I have taken the privilege of a state school education for granted. I am determined and compelled, to as often as possible, show my gratitude in letters of thanks. I hope to share this with as many parents as possible. So that wonderful teachers such as you, Kirsty, end the year with more, an abundance of gratitude and thanks for your work, than complaint. I have always believed teaching to be the most honourable of vocations and never a career for the feint of heart! With this short, yet deeply heart- felt letter of thanks, the Mellin family hope to wish you a new year filled with joy. A very Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 23:36:29 +0000

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