I have decided that I wish to endeavor on an informal social - TopicsExpress


I have decided that I wish to endeavor on an informal social science experiment to expand informal scholarly dialog using social media. It seems to me that the contents of the majority of Facebook posts are intentionally snippets of what we are doing in our lives and our interests. I think Facebook should continue to be a place to do these activities as I love sharing music and offering up article links just as much as anyone else. However, in an attempt to cultivate worthwhile, substantive discussion that *NEVER* should get personal, I propose that we start posting questions about topics that interest us. I also suggest that we ponder and share our thoughts on those questions. There is no need for personal attacks and you should not take anyones opinions personally. Just share your thoughts to the best of your ability. I also suggest keeping complaints about grammar to a minimum (by having at least so-so grammar skillz.) I am stealing this idea from a concept I remember reading in Benjamin Franklins autobiography. The concept: The Philadelphia-based Junto. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junto_(club) I wish to propose a social science question with potentially massive worldwide political ramifications as my first question: Polling indicates that the percentage of Americans who identify as atheist, agnostic, non-spiritual, and spiritual, not religious is on the rise. pewforum.org/2013/07/02/growth-of-the-nonreligious-many-say-trend-is-bad-for-american-society/ Based on this trend, will we see more openly atheist, non-religious, and humanist politicians in America and if so; how long will it be before we see an openly atheist, non-religious, or humanist President?
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 22:49:34 +0000

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