I have said before that I believe that George R.R. Martin is - TopicsExpress


I have said before that I believe that George R.R. Martin is following the three ruler theory. Okay so what do I mean by this? Well first we must remember Maggys prophecy about the younger queen given to Queen Cersei who will overthrow her. So whoever really wins in the end has to be a young queen and as an ironclad rule of writing a novel series or a movie series is that the winner in the end has to come from the first book or first movie. So being a young queen coming from the first book leaves only Sansa Stark or Daenerys Targaryen. I am getting ahead of myself but stay with me. Now the three ruler theory is basically the view that there are three types of rulers: tyrants (too cruel), weaklings (too kindhearted), and the one who walks the middle path being vicious when it is needed and kind when it is called for. The last approach is viewed as being the successful ruler. Now George R.R. Martin has shown us in A Feast for Crows approach #1 the tyrant and this is seen in the rule of Queen Cersei who rules by lies, fear, & murder and we have seen that it has disastrous results. George R.R. Martin has also shown us in A Dance With Dragons approach #2 the weakling and this is seen in the rule of Daenerys Targaryen. Daenerys problem is that she is TOO kindhearted and she thinks with her heart and not her head. She has this obsession with the slaves of Slavers Bay so much so that she has repeatedly put off going to Westeros because of her compassion for them. She has destroyed the very lucrative slave trade without thinking about the cost it will have on both her and her cities. What happens is the economic and military destruction of Slavers Bay which is in utter chaos due to Daenerys handling of the slave trade issue. Even her own slaves are poorly off with the women have turning to prostitution and the men to stealing. Also, Daenerys Targaryen refuses to take the hard line needed against the Sons of the Harpy inside Meereen. Her advisors tell her to go to Westeros she ignores them and when they tell her to deal harshly with the Sons of the Harpy she ignores this as well. She never listens to her advisors and where does it leave her? Well look at the situation. She lost control of Astapor, Yunkai, & Meereen and she is in exile with a dragon that she can just barely control and the clothes on her back. This is what happens when a ruler is too kindhearted which is in short weakness. This leaves ruler #3 the middle path approach to ruling. This approach we have not yet seen but I am thoroughly convinced that this will be illustrated in the next book The Winds of Winter. But who will illustrate this method? Remember the war of three queens? One of which will be Sansa Stark and regardless of who the other two are the winner has to have been in the story from the beginning and this leaves only three females: Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, & Daenerys Targaryen. Well Daenerys Targaryens rule has already been shown and Arya Stark is too busy training to become an assassin in Essos. However, Sansa Stark is in The Vale of the Mountains learning how to play the game of thrones from Petyr Baelish who is setting her up via marriage to Harrold Hardyng as the next Lady of The Vale which will clearly lead to a war in both The North and The Riverlands. Sansa also has a claim to her brothers Kingdom of The North so thus enters Sansa as the Queen of The North. It is in her rule that I firmly believe that we will see the middle path approach. She will learn craftiness from Baelish and she has already learned what not to do by watching Queen Cersei in Kings Landing. However, while Sansa has a kind heart she also has a first rate mind. Never forget that Sansa has memorized more songs than any other lord or lady in Westeros. She has also memorized every noble familys house symbol on sight. This is an incredibly intelligent girl who learns and is able to retain what she has learned. Now she needs to use her intelligence to judge when it is time to be kind and when it is time to be vicious and this is what we will see in the next book. She is the successful middle path ruler. This is how I see things. So look forward to a successful Queen Sansa in the next two books. Look for her to develop a more vicious streak in her against injustice without loosing her kindness. Sansa will apply her intellect not just to songs and stories but now to politics as well. Sansa in short has everything needed to be a good ruler that both Cersei Lannister & Daenerys Targaryen has lacked.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 17:04:34 +0000

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