I have so many pages ive written its hard to decide what to jump - TopicsExpress


I have so many pages ive written its hard to decide what to jump into. Yes ive broken down many lessons but my craving for history gets in the way alot. Some Christians get angered because of my views and i feel that I should stick to basic studys at times. 2 Timothy it says every scripture passage is inspired by GOD. All of them are useful for teaching.pointing out errors.correcting people.and training them for a life that has GODS approval.THEY EQUIP GODS SERVANTS SO THEY ARE PREPARED TO DO GOOD THINGS . IT goes on in chapter 4 stating be patient when you teach-it also states people will follow thier own desire and refuse to listen to the truth-thell only listen to those that tell them what they want to hear.....Itell everyone the same-pray for guidance-then study the word.I firmly believe GOD talks to us-in many ways- and hell do so thru scripture-not just the words but how things jump off the page and certain things are revealed to you. You and i may not agree on the meaning of certain verses because GOD has completely different plans for us. MAIN THING WE ALL ARE CALLED TO SPREAD THE GOSPEL-.MANY PEOPLE FAIL IN THIER DUTIES-I KNOW CAUSE I HAVE. MANY ARE CALLED-BUT FEW ARE CHOSEN. Pick yourself up -you dont have to ask forgivness-BECAUSEyou already are. Just stand and step out-with faith.Do the best you can.HE knows you-HEs the alpha and omega-beginning and end-every single hair is counted. Our faith and assurance in HIM is our power.TRULEY!IF HE BE FOR US -WHO CAN STAND AGAIST US. AGAIN THIS IS NOT WHAT I INTENDED TO WRITE--HECK I WAS PLANING ON DEVULGING IN MY THEORY OF JESUS BEING OR STUDING WITH THE ESCENNES(sp). SO I BELIEVE WHAT I WROTE WAS INSPIRED.IT MAY MEAN NOTHING TO MOST BUT IF ONLY ONE RECIEVED SOMTHING-THEN THAT WAS HIS PLAN-IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 07:58:42 +0000

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