I have started taking a group mentoring class focused on chakras. - TopicsExpress


I have started taking a group mentoring class focused on chakras. As part of this class our mentor, Raven Many Voices, channeled Mother Mary who wanted to teach us a few things about chakras as well. Raven has been working with Mother Mary for over 15 years and can easily allow Mother Mary to come through within seconds. This was the first time I experienced her as Mother Mary, and the energy was so full of warmth and love I started to cry. Just thinking about it makes me cry. Clearly not tears of sorrow, but of joy. Through this first class, I learned more about anchoring in angelic and high-energy beings into physical, and how they can match up their chakras with mine to actually experience physical themselves. If youve been reading my posts, you know Ive been doing what I call attuning energy through physical where I ask for, and accept energy from, the beings around me during meditation, then flow that energy through my physical body into Gaia. While that process was difficult at first due to the energy going through being more intense than my body was accustomed to, it has become much easier the more I have done it. What I am starting to understand is that this is really only part of the process of anchoring energy into physical. What I had done so far was a learning step along the way. What I did last night was to start with a chakra meditation I learned in class to get all my bits aligned and open. Then I started talking with Archangel Michael about allowing him to be in my body with all of his chakras aligned with all of mine. Where he could truly be in physical temporarily. We agreed to take this a little bit at a time to see how it would feel and to get used to the idea of allowing a being, that I perceive to be an individual whom occupies my body for a little while. I say this with caveats because I believe that ultimately we are all ONE and because while I embrace being my multidimensional aspects on a regular basis, I dont normally do this with other beings. This idea of another being occupying my body may sound scary to some, but the beings Im talking about are loving to the highest degree, and Ive been with them and feeling their energy long enough to know who I am dealing with. In the interest of having clear intent, I specifically asked AA Michael to participate with me and asked that the experience be filled with grace and care. I also intended that Gaia benefit from this anchoring of energy. It was easy to allow his energy to settle into my space and body, but I found it was not easy to vacate my sense of self from it. I do leave my body pretty regularly, but knowing another being was in it introduced some minor trepidation... Noticing my resistance, I asked Ariel, Sananda and St. Germain for assistance to help me gain more comfort with this experience. They surrounded me with their love and energy and I relaxed. At this point I made a point to say that I surrender to AA Michael. This helped me take a vantage point behind my body and see it now glowing with Michaels energy. Not being very experienced with this, I found myself snapping back and forth between cohabitating and watching from within and watching from without. Im never completely leaving my body as my chakras are still in place with my body and its more like Im projecting my consciousness to an external perspective. Very similar to what I experience when I have a traveling vision. I dont know if this is enough to allow AA Michael to anchor in physical or if my jumping back and forth interrupts too much. Im guessing its not helpful and also that Im not removing myself enough to really let him settle in. I wanted to allow AA Michael to feel my body by moving it, but I wasnt sure how to do that without me being in it. I slowly stood up and felt the contrast of the cool almost fall air breathe against my warm body, but I think if AA Michael were fully anchored in physical that I wouldnt be feeling this or initiating movement. His energy was in and around my body, we were just co-located, and standing up and moving around still felt good. At this point AA Michael and I agreed this was a good first step and that with more practice we would get there. :) As AA Michael stepped aside, I was back to myself again. I felt great, wasnt burned out (yet) so I asked if Arial would like to try it. At this point Mother Mary interjected and really wanted to do it instead. As Mother Mary moved in the warmth of her love just enveloped me. Its such a wonderful feeling and so filled with compassion. I dont think I ever managed to step aside myself, but I did quite a bit of crying and laughing from the joyful feeing of her. Having just felt her presence through Raven the previous night helped validate that it was truly her energy. After Mother Mary removed herself, I started talking to Shiva and invited him to join me as well. He suggested I do it with Obsidian, my Dragon guardian. Obsidian was right there, so I agreed and wondered to myself how his enormous form and different shape would work out... He stepped into me from the back and transformed into my shape. This was another co-location exercise as I wasnt really able to extricate myself successfully, but Obsidians energy was VERY strong. His heart chakra took over my whole body and in general he was the most anchored of all so far in how his energy settled into my lower chakras. The feeling of his heart filling me was amazing and awesome. I could feel his fire burning in my belly and as I breathed in and out the dragon fire flowed more and more strongly. This really deepened and strengthened my Dragon connections. With Obsidians departure, now it was Shivas turn. Before he merged (or at least the attempt was made by me to allow it), he told me that the being I think of as the Eagle God Arak, is an aspect of him, and that I have already been merging with Shiva when I have experienced myself as Arak. He also said that Goddess Sophia is indeed a divine partner/twin flame with him/Arak/Ra, etc. When Shiva stepped in, it was similar to my experience with AA Michael albeit different at the same time. With Shiva I also stood up and moved around, and again the energy was different, yet the same. I felt Shiva greeting Gaia Sophia (Gaia being an aspect of Goddess Sophia) within this as well. I was up for one last merging in my meditation time. Thankfully I can say I wasnt burning out with any of these experiences and I felt very good. I invited Sananda to anchor in physical with me. When Sananda joined me, I was glowing in golden light, warm like Mother Mary, but more sharp if you will. I dont say this as a negative, it just felt different. What was also quite different this time is that when Sananda entered in, a very distinct and sharp beam of golden light, almost like a very large laser extended vertically through my body. This time, I easily stepped aside and sat on the deck behind my body without snapping back and forth nearly as much. It was wonderful to watch my body glow with Sanandas light! I also saw St. Germain and Ashtar sitting near him in a triangle of light beings helping to hold and focus Sanandas and my bodys energies together. They did this for several minutes (I have no idea how long really...) and I moved to the side and looked around to see the other beings in attendance. The faeries were having a grand time in this, celebrating joyfully with the energy flowing. I saw myself as Archangel Everian standing behind my body with Archangel Michael next to him/me. AA Everian was looking very serious and in a rigid pose of personal defense. He/I looked at me (the disembodied) and smiled saying he was just pretending to be so serious and reached down and gave me/us a big hug (its hard to describe multidimensionality very effectively). After AA Everians hug, I saw Obsidian sitting on the lawn. Next to him was Arak. I went to Obsidian and gave him a big hug, or at least as much as I could reach of his massive body. Lastly, St. Germain and Ashtar invited my disembodied self to join them by sitting in the middle of their triangle of energies. Sananda hadnt stopped doing his thing the whole time and I just enjoyed sitting between the three of them. At some point, and I dont even remember why or how, I reassumed being in my body and I started to move around to get physical again. I was now pretty tired, and had a slight headache, but overall felt very good. This morning I dont have a headache, but my back is pretty sore... I intend to do this more and I think the practice and trust will open new doors of experience and greatly help anchor my guides and angels energies into physical even more. If you are interested in doing something like this, I encourage you to be sure you have prepared yourself however is necessary in your divine plan. More than likely your guides and angels wouldnt participate if you arent ready anyway... They are kind of persnickety that way.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 17:35:50 +0000

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