I just would like to say that God will continue to exist whether - TopicsExpress


I just would like to say that God will continue to exist whether you believe in him or not. Our minds isnt prepared to deal with the whole reality of god for our minds can only see what our eyes could see and can only hear what our ears could hear. Debating whether a god exist or not will never come to an absolute decision. It may give us great arguments but it will just continue to be attacked and the exchange of ideas will be endless. Like some of you maybe, I also questioned the existence of a God, Im a christian and i also felt the bias stories being fed up every sunday that Jesus is our only salvation and all the commodity that the church could sell to you in exchange of your small or big alms. I stopped going to mass, i could just feel the business going on and on every sunday and them selling forgiveness and divinity for their own advantage. As i went for my search of this supreme being as i educate myself of other religion I somehow found an common ground in it and that i realized that Jesus wasnt wrong in his teachings (it just that the people of our todays time try to exploit his name for their own self vested interest). The common ground was forgetting your self. Just like in Buddhism they said that self is the root of all suffering. As it was simplified that no self, no suffering. And Jesus said: For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? Also they may see clearly but not perceive, and they may hear clearly but not understand This is the best thing about parables. One may read but will never understand. For one is so blinded by his mind (ego/false self), being held prison by his ideals and beliefs unable to open his heart and soul to a God for he wishes to be Taller than God and Higher than his Knowledge. But no matter how he study and no matter how many discoveries he could find he will just be limited by what his mind could conceive. We may divide it this way: Our soul derives faith and holiness and sensing that we have a soul we can connect to our Main source( God/Buddha/Allah/energy ) or whatever you prefer. Our mind derives all our senses and thinking, This is the part of God / knowledge that was given to us from the fall of man, when Adam and eve ate the forbidden fruit. This also has the free-will to decide so choosing between good and bad God has no power over you and all the wickedness of man. But if the evilness of man is so great, he wipes all nation and bring birth to a new Era. So please stop trying to search for a god using your mind and the limited understanding it can give you for it is limited. Try opening your soul or your divinity to his Greatness and Kindness. As i said whether you believe in a God or not, God will continue to exist.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 01:46:06 +0000

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