I keep seeing posts about no Christmas until after Thanksgiving. - TopicsExpress


I keep seeing posts about no Christmas until after Thanksgiving. My feelings on this are probably different from most peoples because of my family and work life. First, I have a nativity up in my house, two actually, year round, for multiple reasons, first of all because I think we need to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior year round, and second because its beautiful and I grew up seeing them all year. If you know my family then you know that both my moms house and my grandmothers house there is something Christmas up all year long, my mother has snowmen, which is more winter than Christmas, but its still not in season and my Nana, has full blown Christmas trees up year round, they are decorated with beautiful hand blown glass ornaments and several with antique ornaments, they are lovely and special and I wouldnt change getting to see them every time I go over there for anything. I love Christmas, I love the extra family time, I love what we are truly celebrating (Jesus again yall), and I love the entire sense of community that comes with it. In my opinion this all starts with the impending celebration of Thanksgiving. While I agree they are separate holidays, Thanksgiving is the start of the holiday season, really in my book my mother and sister-in-law, and brother-in-laws birthdays, all of which start and end between Oct. 29th and Nov. 2nd, are the start of our holiday season. I have wonderful family, we celebrate, everything! Birthdays in both my family and Andys family are celebrated with dinner and all of us being together, its awesome and I always, always, always enjoy our time spent with everyone. So soon after getting together on both Andys side and my side of the family comes Thanksgiving, then my fathers birthday, then my sister-in-law Jennifers birthday, then Jesus birthday, Tylers birthday, my cousin Matts, and finally Andys birthday. Three months of family celebration, and we spend time with both our families on the major holidays. I remember being little and having a marathon day of Christmas, our house, my dads fathers house for lunch, and my Nanas for dinner, and just loving every tiring moment of it, that love only grew as I got older, and then I became a mother and I get to see it all through the eyes of my child, holy cow, how that changes things. Tyler loves all these holidays as well, but she, like me, loves being with her family, or as she used to say, all the friends. This time of year is the most special to me for many good reasons, so if you were to ask me if there are Christmas decorations up in my house right now, the answer is YES! There most certainly are, there are also decorations up for Thanksgiving, and its not just the nativity thats up (although I did just get a new piece for it and rearranged it) but there are ornaments hanging as well, along with the ever present American flag (it all goes hand in hand in my mind.) Another small aspect of this whole thing is that I work shift work, my days off are strange, so I decorate when I can, its just how life is, Ive driven by several houses while working with trees up and lights on in the yard (which makes me giddy.) So for all of you other folks out there with Christmas (Happy Birthday Jesus) decorations up, be proud of it, show it off, enjoy it all while its there and dont let others take away for your version of holiday, we each have our own feelings on it, I understand all of you who want to celebrate one at a time, but some of us like to celebrate differently. Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas to all my friends and family, Im gonna go decorate something and listen to songs about Harking and Harolding.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 16:07:23 +0000

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