I quote: If you cant feed a hundred people, at least feed one - TopicsExpress


I quote: If you cant feed a hundred people, at least feed one Mother Theresa. It is in reference to The word of God and this quote that I would like to appeal to you, my beloveds. Former Promosa Primary students, whom God has blessed with stewardship and whos hearts are touched by this status, this is addressed to you. Project warm up for disadvantaged children is a project I feel humbled to embark upon: one school tracksuit for one child at the local Promosa primary school, who really needs it, and otherwise would have to go without. So, I know this may sound insignificant, but I know for sure that this is the small start for greater things to come, as I firmly believe that when God is in it, it cant remain small and it wont. I need peeps who feel the passion to take this small step with me, anyone interested can inbox me. As individuals we might not be able to change the world ,or even just Promosa, at once, but touching just 1 life is better than none, and together we can touch a few. Lets spread some love, during our celebration of this season, in memory of Jesus giving His life for us. Remember you are worth dying for, let no one convince you otherwise, ever! May God continue to bless yous in abundance and may His blessings overflow in your lives always. Lovies you lots, like jelly tots: Me.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 20:47:46 +0000

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