I recently made it back from Accra, Ghana,.. Didnt realize it was - TopicsExpress


I recently made it back from Accra, Ghana,.. Didnt realize it was one of the most dangerous places on earth; corruption, extortion, bribery, poverty, starvation, prostitution, violence, crime, pollution and disease. The water isnt safe to drink and the food (for the most part) isnt safe to eat. The quality of life is very heartbreaking. I had a difficult time accomplishing my task objectives because of my limited funding. I couldnt change my flight to a later date and stay longer like I had planned, couldnt get an additional round trip ticket to Monrovia, Liberia for $1400 round trip or even take a taxi to get around in the city. These factors limited me from what I could have accomplished. So I walked everywhere and did what I could regardless of the risk; from the airport, International Hostel, grocery store, US Embassy, Liberian Embassy, USAID, UNHCR, UNMEER program headquarters, World Food Program Office and the UN International Peacekeeping Compound. Throughout Accra I was a target... constantly followed, stalked, harassed, watched and was even abducted, aggressively searched, interrogated and later released. It was a very intense situation. Through my journalistic investigations, conversation and intelligence collected I learned a lot about the challenges we face. October 1st 2014 the UN announced we only have 60 days to get 70 percent of the Ebola victims isolated and into treatment units (that’s approximately 7000 needed beds in place by December 1st) as well as have 70 percent of the dead safely buried. If we do not meet this deadline the virus will continue to infect people, spread exponentially overwhelming our collective response to where there is no plan and will not be able to stop this virus. While in Accra I realized that even the most high level personnel of authority couldnt be trusted (NOT including the UN, WFP, USAID) It was very difficult to communicate with most officials; police, airport authority and airport security. They were very manipulative and corrupt, these are the same challenges aid organizations are dealing with. This is NOT acceptable, we cant have international aid groups concerned or distracted by security threats and mistrust when trying to focus on treating victims and following safety protocols. The high level officials that I was there trying to help, provide support and supplies were the same people that stole the $3-4k in humanitarian aid/supplies that I had brought. From a positive view I at least accomplished getting it into the region. Though only half was for them, the other half (more humanitarian aid) was to be taken to the Liberian Embassy, this is extortion in its greatest moment, thanks Ben, Ill be awaiting my letter of apology [Google search; Accra, airport, corruption] although there were some great Ghanaians of moral integrity Accra is generally not a safe place for aid workers as a staging area. I imagine Segegal is much worse (my opinion) American or not, should avoid flights through Ghana and be flown directly into the affected countries for all planned operations. This is where we appreciate the military presents in the region to help uphold law and discourage civil unrest. I even had a difficult time making it out of Ghana and thankful I got out at all. The Accra International Airport (ACC) in this third world country... had taken very few precautionary steps in preparation/anticipation of an Ebola case entering or leaving from their airport, I am very disappointed and still have many concerns that Ive been in talks with the CDC over. Every high-level personnel disregarded simple tasks or security threats as they checked people with an inaccurate infred thermometer as the same sold on Amazon for $14 (never asked peoples travel history) as people would board international flights. Bathrooms were out of soap, lack of complementary hand sanitizer as an additional preventative measure. They are behind on basic protocols, common knowledge of Ebola, and all levels airport security. Ive been trying to work with the airport authority making suggestions and offer assistance. In a recent report written by the Huffington Post placed the Accra International Airport at the highest risk of probability over every other airport in the world for an Ebola report. We need an independent international investigation (overlooked by the CDC) reviewing the airport security related to Ebola as it poses threats to the world. This just brings more focus to the challenges we face...... though imposing complete travel restrictions to and from West Africa is still not the answer. Its simplistic idea without analyzing the long term consequences. The challenges are far more complex. Complete flight restrictions will essentially discourage aid groups, doctors, missionaries in considering their involvement with the crisis. There are 1.1 Billion people living throughout the 54 nations on the African continent thats are depending on our international response. It could be catastrophic if an outbreak occurred in a country with an outdated medical system, less equipped in treating and containing the virus. America as an industrialized nation has the modern science, technology, medications, resources, education, training and equipment to handle an Ebola patient better than any other nation. If the virus continues to spread to other countries not equipped it will cost billions of dollars more and could potentially spread around the would in 15 months killing off 50-90% of the population. It would cause widespread civil unrest, threaten world security and social economics. We would be having nuclear meltdowns around the world one after another. There are boarder crossings points, and ports that people would then resort too, allowing the virus to more rapidly spread in remote areas we cant contain. There is no easy solution with this crisis the CDC, MSF and World Health Organization warned everyone for months that this virus was out of control. They didnt have proper supplies and resources to contain the outbreak because airlines had stopped flights going in. This is my alternative to travel restrictions from Ebola affected countries as we enter this crucial, pivotal point in history. This is my proposal and solution to this worldwide issue. Since its unrealistic to think that people/medics/aid workers can effectively quarantine themselves within the contaminated hot zone and are not responsibly obeying their 21 day self quarantine after leaving, we need to provide a safe/comfortable alternative, a place where they can wait out the quarantine. It would be one direct flight away, one location (software tracing flight pattern leaving high risk areas) If we dont take these steps people will continue to leave the area and travel across the world. We can create a place, a quarantine resort that is run, operated by aid organizations and church groups monitoring the facility in coordination with the local government. It would keep the rest of the world safe by being a midpoint for potentially infected people. We would retrofit, modify and convert the on property airport hotel by designating partitioned quarantine areas. The resort would provide comfortable waiting accommodations in a safe controlled environment in compliance of human rights and international law. There would be areas to clean, sterilize and disinfect belongings, accessible shower facilities, TV etc. This project would reserve an airport terminal designed ONLY for arriving flights from the affected regions of concern that is within close proximity of hospital on standby thats prepared and capable in treating Ebola patients. Protocols for transport would be put in place. Any politician, world leader or foreign government [of any country within direct flight distance] can address this issue and implement this idea immediately. This project would solve a portion of this complex crisis and save billions of dollars rather than chasing Ebola victims all over the world! People will continue to leave the region until we establish better system, infrastructure, solutions, and create this choice alternative of self registration/quarantine. Lajes Field Azores is a perfect midpoint location!! The world leaders implemented the UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response (UNMEER) program that has taken over complete command. I feel the hierarchical, monolithic structure and red tape is slowing the overall mission. As of now most every civilian/commercial flights into the affected countries have been temporarily suspended. Royal Air Maroc is still flying (very expensive) and Kenya Air will soon resume flights. Its was the flight restrictions that interrupted the mission. It was the wrong approach, we needed flights transporting medics, aid workers and supplies into the region. This virus is going to take months to fully contain, costing billions of dollars in resources (impact the economy) and yes, this virus will kill tens of thousands of innocent people. We have this ONE CHANCE to save lifes, save all of humanity and avoid an uncontrollable (catastrophic) WORLDWIDE PANDEMIC. We have to stop this disease at its source by focusing on isolating/treating the sick, monitoring those who have been in direct contact with them and burying the dead. Soon there will be mass quantities of vaccines as preliminary test that have already proven successful. The world will continue to provide humanitarian aid, security, medical assistance and educate the West Africa population throughout this Ebola crisis. We need everyones commitment on all levels of our society, working together. If youre a Doctor, Nurse, Pediatrician, EMT, Paramedic, missionary, scientist, epidemiologist, virologist or work in emergency services please get involve (have your passport current) There are groups and organizations offering paid positions. Preferably seeking qualified personnel that have disaster relief, high stress or mass casualty experience though there are thousands of opportunities, please apply. ifrc.org/ebola-crisis goal.ie usaid.gov unv.org/en/how-to-volunteer/special-recruitment/applications-in-response-to-the-ebola-crisis.html We need school teachers, church groups, clubs members and sports teams helping us with awareness, donations, volunteering while incorporating this epidemic as a humanitarian aid fundraiser project. Please send all donations collected through here. Non-Governmental Organizations currently responding to the Ebola Outbreak cidi.org/ebola-ngos tackleebola https://donate.doctorswithoutborders.org Im back in Santa Cruz, cleared from Dominican hospital with self monitoring temperature recommendations. I was very impressive with their protocol training and professionalism. Im now planning my next deployment or next project mission. With the UN projected 70% containment deadline.... we have only 34 days left and counting down. Please get involved, share this on Facebook or social media, e-mail my story idea to your friends, our world leaders and politicians... Be a part of the solution!! Statements and opinions expressed are those of my own, Alekz Londos ADVANCED DISASTER RELIEF International Humanitarian Aid AdvancedDisasterRelief
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 05:39:23 +0000

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