I see a lot of posts about Gazza, which is of course important, - TopicsExpress


I see a lot of posts about Gazza, which is of course important, but I want to remind us all inshAllah that many other Muslims get very little coverage and we should make dua and reflect upon them too. Please keep the Muslim brothers and sisters who are Kurdish in your dua, many of them have been getting massacred for a long time, and they have at the very very least the right to our sincere dua. Also please keep the Muslim brothers and sisters in Uzbekistan in your dua, they have been under an evil tyrant who has been using some of the worst forms of torture you can imagine for decades! They need dua from us too Then there are the Muslims in Kashmir and in China. In Kashmir brutal rapes of our sisters is very high by the mushrikeen of India, and they get almost no media coverage. And in China, the Uyghur Muslims have their entire deen banned, to the extent that it is a punishable crime to fast! These people have earned our dua. Of course this is just some of the Muslim world, but I wanted to highlight these 4 areas because they barely have gotten any coverage in media, despite what has been happening to them for years and years! Please actually do sit away from your computer and make sincere dua for them when you read this, and please SHARE, you never know whos dua Allah will accept!
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 03:17:58 +0000

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