I so love the texture of the land, the rolling hills and valleys - TopicsExpress


I so love the texture of the land, the rolling hills and valleys too. This morning, through the mist, I walked the meadow where the wild roses grew. The old wooden fence they clung to, still holding itself strong, led me to an old pasture gate and through it I strolled on. Up to the top of the bluffs where the river spreads itself far below, again I let my thoughts trail with it, wherever they wanted to go. And as I watched the dark grey waters dance I slipped into a light trance. The waters misted and then they cleared, their surface still as a mirror. Thats when the vision appeared. Flashing images appeared before my eyes, scenes of autumn and Dryad eyes. A distant voice called out to me, Child, this is more than a reverie. The season is turning, the Winds will blow. Summer must leave and the fall colors explode. Watch for us, when the season turns, we Dryads and forest Nymphs will step forward in our turn. And my dear, the merfolk await you too, we prepare now for you and your friends to soon show. We shall be ready as the season draws to its end. And new adventures will again begin. Hold to these clues that youve been shown, there will come a time for them to be known. Then silence fell breaking the spell. I sat there for a short while when I heard a rustling in the underbrush. The sweetest little elf stepped out, a finger to her mouth, she whispered Hush. I must have looked puzzled for she said: No one knows Im here...I snuck out of bed. She seemed so full of curiosity. May I ask? What did they let you see? I know it was my Dryad cousins that were speaking to you. I could hear their voices echo, oh I so miss them too. So I explained they simply showed me things about their season and what it will bring. Things Ill need to know later on and one of them even sang me a song. She squinted her eyes rather tight, Very well if thats all you will share its alright. I just came to see who was here, the sound of your heartbeat was so clear. Youre very nice, Im glad you came, would you like to know my name? I nodded and smiled, It an easy one, they just call me Wild. Silly as that may seem I guess it actually fits. I do like from my bed at the break of day to slip. I like to watch the morning come and push back the night. I like to see the colors it paints and if theyll be pale or bright. Sometimes I like to explore the wood and find my friends that live there, the Squirrels and Raccoons, the Foxes and the Bears, others too. And I like to wach my face with the morning dew...do you do that too? Sometimes, yes, I do, but mostly I like to scry into the drops, the ones that hold at the tips of leaves or in the centers of the forget-me-nots. I like to see what visions theyll share and how they reflect the Otherworlds too. Do you? She nodded her head with excitement, innocence all over her face. Oh yes! She said with enthusiasm, in my heart they hold a special place. Youre a lot like me, do you also talk to the trees? I nodded and smiled again, yes, the trees are my friends. She threw her arms open wide, Then its good that you come here. Oh look! Here come the Deer, and some rabbits too. They must also be your friends, theyre shy otherwise, I know thats true. Id better go before Im in trouble. You have a good day. Tell your friends when they get here that Ill be helping them when they pray. We all do that. And one more thing before I go...heres a wish for you, softly you must blow. Then she held out her hand and in her palm there hovered, a puffball all silver and white. It floated to me through the air, dancing with delight. She waved goodbye and stepped back into the underbrush, vanishing before me. So I made my wish and sent her gift to ride on the Wind delicately. It was just the Deer and Rabbits left, they were munching on the grass. And so together we await the Wizard and the rest of you, its a lovely border time and Im enjoying the view. The creatures of the forest are stirring themselves, Im sure well be joined soon by some of the Elves. I feel a pending of some news, I wonder if the Wizard will be sharing that too? Hmmmmm, well, Im in quite a friendly mood today, my heart is light and seems to want to play, so Ill see you when you get here!
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 15:58:32 +0000

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