I tend to keep views to myself on Facebook. Sometimes Ill post a - TopicsExpress


I tend to keep views to myself on Facebook. Sometimes Ill post a little something here and there that generally go unnoticed and that is fine. That being said, here is what I have to say. There have been a lot of things said about the Police. Some of it warranted and some of it completely outrageous. At the end of the day, cops put their lives on the line at every moment to protect YOU. At a moments notice an officer would put themselves between you and any potential harm that could happen to you. Thats their job. Thats what they live for and what they love. So ask yourself this... could you? In a situation of life and death could you turn to death and stare it in the face? Could you focus on saving the innocent while bullets are raining down on you? Could you experience chaos and somehow maintain order in your own mind? Could you give up your own life even if it meant saving just one other? Ask yourself those questions and attempt to honestly answer. Its easy to say one thing but a little more difficult to actually do it. If you can say that you arent able to do it then thats alright! Just realize there are people who can and do it on a daily basis. No matter what. 40 years ago this country was in the Vietnam war. Do you know how we treated the soldiers who risked everything to protect us? No matter your views on that war, they were still soldiers who fought for their country. They fought in Hell and received Hell when they came home. Now we are ashamed of how our troops were treated and we hold them in the highest regard. 40 years from now I think Ill be telling my kids how much people hated the Police and how they got no thanks for their sacrifices. My hope is that one day that the mistreatment of Police is looked at the same way as the mistreatment of Soldiers now. Yes. I realize there are bad cops. But there are also good ones. There are bad teachers and there are good teachers. There are bad doctors and there are good doctors. There are bad people who are religious and there are good people.that are religious. There are bad people and there are good people. The biggest danger that we face in ANY situation is generalizing the actions of the few and holding it against the many. To do that is the worst case of ignorance one can muster. It is the fuel that ignites maddness. By generalizing in this manner.... You are setting fire to society. You are the one who makes the blood run. You are the problem and you are wrong. So tomorrow when you wake up, make an effort to be a positive and loving force. Say hello to a stranger. Do something nice for someone in need. Tell someone you love them. And if youre standing in line waiting for your coffee and a cop walks in.... buy their coffee for them. They have probably been on a 20-hour shift and need a little more energy to make it that extra 4 hours. Be a positive force.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 06:39:44 +0000

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