I think all realities exist within the expansive universe that - TopicsExpress


I think all realities exist within the expansive universe that weve so dubiously deemed reality, are connected, and that they are mere fragments to a more whole encompassment we have yet to comprehend as human beings vesseled consciousnesses; this means it is only possible in the mind here on earth, and is impossible within the limits of time. For realities to be intertwined by who knows how many routes and for any chance of experiencing an alternate reality, they must be connected through physical space--that is, connected at two ends physically--and they must also be connected in between time and space (as opposed to traveling at any rate that is slower than hyper speed) in a realm of immaterial. (this realm stores everything within infinity, including eternity and unlimited pervasiveness in the form of Immaterialized Conscious Essence, and is tapped into at certain local locations. These conjunctions reflect a next door reality brewed from a stew of code which has no defined parameters, and every other reality that exists in its particular place and possible arrangement (lets say, not here, in this particular point in space, but here in this particular point in ANTI-space)--in essence this realm is a mechanic that stores inverted, spaceless information for whatever reason, while another tool manufactures this information visually out of this shifty, infinity realm of conceptual liquid code. This may pervade in between time and space as a fundamental formulaic (speculation) subfluid that takes no 3-dimensional space and therefore no physical substance to exist and can therefore exist infinitely away from time and be rearranged to create anything and everything out of infinity; this ulterior realm of infinite concepts and unlimited existence (the realm of ICE) evades limits that time and space create and is, in pure speculation, a newly dubbed subfluid that is the metaphorical oil existing inwards, or in some form, as an under layer of the existing space-time fabric; this keeps reality as existent as an infinite and eternal source of foundational templates for structured systems that may, or may not, equate stability, and nonetheless the realm of consciousness is endless and eternal). So with this theory in place, something like a black hole is a good template for what kind of natural machinery is capable of forming such god-like creation (by being fed in one place and spewing out in another: ultra-condensed, pure streams of energy that may resemble the highly potent subfluid that is Immaterialized conscious essence). Perfectly plausible, though not enough is known about these great mysteries beyond those basic facts. So the hypothetical black hole that eats your physical existence reduces you, your perception, (technically your perception is everything that surrounds you except that it resides in you alone, as it is manufactured visually by the mind) and any conscious essence that went into the black hole with you (that is, the true reality that is beyond and outside of our human perception which is limited to 5 senses and a struggling sandbox of a mind to view, construct, and review our environment... And therefore, ICE is what you may have missed as you drifted somewhat anti-climactically into the monsters gravity well of a gullet; this reality that is of an immaterial nature, of unending deepness, the essence of consciousness is aka infinity: our reality as we consciously perceive it eternally holds energy in its place as no energy is ever created or destroyed, only recycled and converted back and forth between itself and matter. However, an existence outside the scope of perception (we perceive, therefore, what we see is already established as factual existence) would have no definition and be completely vulnerable to a routine rearrangement of the current location of spaces blank, inconceivable reality: instant enlightening of an entire mode of operation forming in the untapped space (non-existent or of an unheard of portion of the universe that breaks the standard view of space), but which would possibly spell disaster for any sentient inhabitants who had just made themselves a little life riding the wave of the previous flash into existence. The keys that bring the fluidic code to fruition are set designations of certain portions of fundamental numbers, scripted by acts of chance and probability that may not be calculated sentiently but is more likely present inherently; reality is tumbling its newest features into their respective slots for its new Stablest Universe design which are routinely being manufactured for a purpose inconceivable. So far it looks as though a universe is prone towards stability... As this is the only one weve come across, so far). into the infinite well of ICE (or subfluid, the fluidic formula that infinitely spawns different realities; is at the helm of shaping its hologram: it defines its parameters and an other reality shapes --the code itself is key to how to actually print a visual copy of the most relevant reality in the most relevant position. A particular subfluidic code may create an entire reality based purely on chaotic, churning, immaterial conscious essence, basically it would take on the visually accurate replication of itself; the infinity stew that is infinite and thus everything, nothing, all pervasive yet undetectable to 3D senses, inner inspired creation; a realm that has been and is only witnessed and felt internally to a self, in the inner sensual field ... The infinity stew, ICE, subfluid.) and is then projected outwardly as reality through use of physical space. This gap between exit and entrance into an other reality allows for reprogramming so as to reflect a reality coded by the subfluid, and as a universe may crumble on one side of that time gap; on the other side it is exploding a greatly unique reality through the other-functional-outlet that lies outside what ones evidence for proof allows for truth, though one may feel entirely in a different league of being correct in your heavily influenced and highly regarded thoughts and speculations. (Whether this other reality is projected materially otherwise). This reality has no relation to the established reality that our minds have, its ability to grasp and acknowledge what it senses, and replicate visually its interpretation of its surroundings and keep pushing to extend just how far the outer sensual data can stretch, so the comprehension of our inner reality is greater because of it (so our brains have larger views of themselves , in all the reality we know). But in a case such as this, the mind is incapable of saying with 100% positivity that the latter other reality is existent in this mentally exposed defined reality, the one universe that our brains have yet to even get to extend their perceptual grip to, completely. Id be inclined to suggest that this other reality exists within our reach, should we stretch our perceptual fields limits visually with astronomical telescopes; or replicate ourselves holographically using a technique to breach into unlimited awareness and be the test subjects immaterially in order to make hyper advancements scientifically. All this takes place instantaneously, and for the sake of any who read this: in this particular hypothetical reality, it would be as if walking through a veil that overlaps the immaterial realm so thinly it would seem to look as if it didnt exist: and then as if nothing was there to be surprised about, you watch a different reality form itself as if meant to happen directly as YOU stepped through it, as in that moment you were scanned of your genetic code ultimately describing your conscious essence and compressing it into an always secure Singularity as it packages infinite mass and energy; they are key points for subfluid to be released sprouting and unfolding its physical representation of the fluidic code. These are very few of unknown possible ways and instances a reality spontaneously becomes.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 07:38:30 +0000

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