I think the first step is to change how we think of living - TopicsExpress


I think the first step is to change how we think of living responsibly. In the past, being responsible meant getting a job and owning the biggest house we could afford, with a yard that we tended so the neighbourhood looked good. And as many cars as we could afford. People wanted so badly to appear that they were the picture of upstanding citizen, that they went into unprecedented debt to have all of those things, because thats what you DID as a responsible citizen. I think the NEW way to look at being RESPONSIBLE, is to value LIVING and not STUFF. Some might think this guy a nomadic bum, but he is more environmentally responsible that someone living in a McMansion. Paradigms need to change. Ideologies need to change. MORE AND MORE STUFF as a measure of responsibility, needs to change. Even if YOU couldnt live this way, I think we should honour those who choose to. Most did it as a necessary response to economic hardships, but after doing so, people discovered the freedom and happiness that a simple life ACTUALLY afforded them. I am working my way towards LESS AND LESS STUFF, and it feels good.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 03:52:20 +0000

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