I thought I would share something with some of you who are willing - TopicsExpress


I thought I would share something with some of you who are willing to read this: Almost 16 months ago I was the guy who didnt care about anything but myself. I was the guy that worked hard, drank hard, and hid a majority of my struggles or insecurities. When I heard about this new opportunity I was point blank, the biggest jerk you could possibly be. I hated everything and everyone because I wasnt happy with the person that I was. Struggling, broke, and insecure, fighting to keep my head above water on a daily basis. I was content not happy. When I found out my baby was on her way and there was no stopping that obviously I had to make a decision. Face my insecurities and create a new man. A person who is not willing to settle or be content anymore or continue doing what I was doing and hope for the best. When I chose to do this, I let go of fear, worry, doubt, or concern. I didnt care what it would take and who I would lose along the way to skepticism or negativity. This wasnt about me anymore it was about my daughter and her future and I was DAMN SURE not going to bring her in a content lifestyle. And when I made this change, change is exactly what took place. I became a completely different person. So much so that my ex fiance didnt even recognize me anymore. I became a horrible partner, a horrible lover, a horrible time manager. All that mattered to me was my baby and her bright future. I had tunnel vision. Drinking, relaxing, watching TV, going out with friends, BBQs, or distractions of ANY kind were set aside. I was doing team calls, three way calls, and listening to corporate calls instead of anniversary dinners, family events, or anything else that didnt solidify her future. When I was finally given an ultimatum, me or this company, the choice was already made up in my mind. You see at this point, I had completely changed my stars and I knew whole heartedly that this opportunity had not only changed my life and my daughters future, but also the lives of strangers I had never met before but somehow helped. Life finally made sense to me and I had to let go of the old me and make room for the new. I was bashed, shunned, talked down to, made fun of, rumors started, hatred boiled over and judgement cast... Some would say that I mis-prioritized. Family first, nothing else matters etc... Some would say that they disagree with my change and transformation, that I am a horrible person for the choice I made to change and help others live a life they deserve too. But you see, I am a man who has been judged my entire life and I am used to it. I believe in god whole heartedly but I also know that no matter how much I prayed, god did not pay the electric bill when I was freezing. No matter how down and out I was, friends and family could only help so much because they were in the same boat themselves. This is the world we all live in... or is it? You see, the ONLY way you will truly realize what you are capable of, the only way to get past being comfortable or content is by making a choice to change. And not just change on monday nights and thursdays when you think about how miserable life can be or when it is a convenient thought. I am talking about a change that when you make it and commit to it changes every ounce of your being. A change that makes you feel so uncomfortable you want to throw up every day because it is that unfamiliar. When you change this much people will see it, they will judge you, you will lose friends and family members because they dont understand and you will be tested. If you are not ready to commit 100% then dont even think about starting. Living to our fullest potential is not something we try to do. Its a choice we make daily. The sad and unfortunate reality is no matter how bad anyone wants it, dreams about it, thinks about it or wishes/prays for it, this change is not going to happen for 99% of the world. It will never happen because they are too worried about what others think or say about them or they dont believe in themselves enough to make ANYTHING possible. Why do you think that 1% of the country earns 96% of the currency? Its not a coincidence guys. Dont you think that if success was easy everyone in the world would be successful? Ignorance is NOT bliss!! Its fear and doubt wrapped around you tightly inside an insecurity blanket. You and ONLY you can decide if and when the time is right to remove that blanket, get up off your ass, believe in yourself for the first time in your life and MAKE THINGS HAPPEN! Good things come to those that wait? Really? Do you honestly believe that? How long have YOU been waiting, and how is that working out for you? Society tells us how to live a conformist lifestyle where everyone is equal... Look around you. Everyone is tired, miserable, hates their job, cant enjoy their car, home, family, let alone take a vacation.... Do you want to be a part of this conformist statistic your entire life and then die leaving nothing but debt to your family? This is the American Dream This is what we are taught to accept... WHY??? The good news is, this entire concept, your entire world as you know it can change right this very second as you are reading this. The moment you realize YOU control your thoughts, actions and decisions is the moment you stop feeling sorry for yourself because your past thoughts actions and decisions have lead you to where you are now, is the moment you take charge of your future!!! There is no luck, fate, destiny, chance or other cute word to describe ones future... If its meant to be its up to me. That is TRUTH. I believe in you. Each and everyone of you. I had to prove it to myself. I had to believe in myself when nobody else would. I had to push thru the mud, face down, in the cold bitter negativity I viewed as loyal friendship alone and confused but PERSISTENT. Every time I wanted to quit, and there were many times, I thought about my daughter and her living a mediocre life... Once you have a why that is strong enough to fuel you no matter what, the how will just fall into place.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 19:54:54 +0000

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