I voted against the budget increase that was asked for from Mendon - TopicsExpress


I voted against the budget increase that was asked for from Mendon and thus the CD position due to budget concerns on the municipal side, two years of budget surplus at the District with one being in the area of $730,000, budget items being funded with one time monies that we will have to pick up as taxpayers in the coming years and due to the overall budget uptick of over 1M since 2012 during a time when we knew we had a huge shift in Chapter 70 funding from the state to the towns. That said the folks voted and as such I would like to see the CD position have a positive outcome on the District and our students. If this curriculum management tool is going to be a big focus for this position I think they can learn from the mistakes of other districts who use Atlas. From my reading it is a huge investment in time and training so any advice that reduces the learning curve will be helpful. It also appears it can be tough to get the teaching staff to buy in and transition to this new resource. If it is useful for the teachers and makes their job easier and not harder it will reduce the likelihood that the staff will reject it. The cost is not great for the softwear itself but its the training and ongoing program maintenance that will drive up the cost of the program. Cost should be a few thousand dollars a year according the to discussion on the link above. Read more: milforddailynews/news/x1629901281/Mendon-Upton-district-looks-to-install-curriculum-tool#ixzz2Wg2VT2FZ Follow us: @milforddaily on Twitter | 104182678168 on Facebook
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 15:39:22 +0000

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