I want to share with you what God has placed on my heart this - TopicsExpress


I want to share with you what God has placed on my heart this morning as I woke up and gave HIM thanks for waking me up and even though Im sore and achy Im thankful Im alive and my whole body works when others can no longer move around like I freely can. What my life has been like.... Its like Ive been asleep all these years and then BAM! Jesus came into my heart and Im ALIVE! When you hear God word, you hear or see Gods hand moving, when your praying, when you hear the music..... The Holy Spirit comes over your body...that feeling of Gods presence, the peace, his LOVE, the blessings that hes given are like....AMAZING! Even still we go thru something that is bad or hurtful we can always know that GOD is there to get us thru it all. We cant say that about Man. I thought I knew God all these years but I really never had a relationship with HIM like I do today. Today I breath, eat and live God. I talk daily with HIM. Hes my friend and my FATHER. In HIS arms I find comfort and peace and TRUE LOVE ❤. I cant do anything by myself. I have learned to give it all over to GOD. Lord I pray whoever reads this, that should they be missing out on this deep loving relationship with you right now, that you touch them with these words, that they feel your spirit on their hearts and that they get to any church and come to that alter and surrender completely to you today, if not very soon...cause we are not promised tomorrow and my prayers are that you who is reading this and all those who are still lost and on that path of darkness will Truly surrender to God before its too late and you have taken your last breath on this earth. I want to spend eternity with you and all my loved ones. My heart aches like Gods does for those who WONT go forward and surrender. Gods light will not shine on that dark path to Hell. Why would you want to live for eternity where all evil lives and be tortured and live in pain for eternity? God cant save you in Hell. So.... Take a good look at where you are today, at this very moment. Are you truly Happy? Are you living a really good life that is pleasing to God? Have you done or said things that has hurt others and you no longer talk or have anything to do with them today? Are you holding un forgiveness in your heart? Which path are you going to follow?
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 15:02:23 +0000

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