I want to thank the primary voters who gave me the plurality on - TopicsExpress


I want to thank the primary voters who gave me the plurality on Sept 9, and my three opponents for conducting a civil and respectful campaign. Especial thanks to the great number of people who helped me to interact with voters—to the Shepardsons in Marlborough who hosted a friendly house party; to the Keene/Cheshire Democrats, who (with media present) facilitated a fair introduction to the 4 candidates and a lively Q and A to help voters calibrate the differences between us; to Keene State College-urged on by the driving motivation to increase citizen engagement –for hosting a lively public meeting of the county commissioner candidates; to all the individuals who hosted my signs and spread the word and encouragement to “vote for Weed” to their fellow workers and neighbors; to the letter writers who were willing to endorse me with their personal observations about my character and commitment; to Robert Sherry whose support enabled me to run a competitive campaign; to Staples, which enabled me to keep my campaign budget at about $500; to my son Tim Weed, who helped me set up a website (chuckweed.org); and especially to my fantastic spouse and partner, April Weed, who designed my unique and effective campaign materials and who critiqued my early weak efforts to sell myself. I will do the best I can as the representative from Keene, Marlborough, and Roxbury. Thank you all again!! Now the work begins! As most voters seemed to understand—the first big issue will be location and appropriate upgrading or building a new Maplewood. The county is required by law to provide long-term care services to the elderly poor, either through a county operated facility or to private, for profit, nursing homes. The large and talented task force looking into the future of eldercare in Cheshire County, after over a year of study, field visits, and deliberation, has clearly recommended that we continue our commitment to a public nursing home service that affirms the traditional role of safety net for those in need. Additionally, that county elders deserve a more dignified and comfortable setting than the double rooms, quadruple bathrooms, and the medical/institutional living in the Westmoreland. Besides the remoteness on the edge of the county, too often the winter, narrow roads and bridges, and flood proneness make it difficult and dangerous to provide medical services to those in need. That facility needs major repair to its plumbing/drainage systems; it has far below standard electrical and HVAC systems; and all of its roofs need work. There was substantial doubt about the wisdom of major reinvestment in the existing building. Looking into the current state of art relative to elder care, the taskforce began to focus on alternatives, especially the “greenhouse model “, now working well in 130 locations in 30 states. The beds allocated to Maplewood, under the greenhouse arrangement could be relocated in 15 houses of about 10 residents each. The positives are abundant, where home is the focus, a cross-trained staff would improve personal care reducing rigid and regular routines, and the human scale provides space, comfort , and privacy. Keene’s central location in the county would make the campus conveniently accessible to all towns and villages. This may sound great, but isn’t it too expensive?? After careful consideration of data from existing facilities, the task force discovered that the operating costs of a 15 greenhouse campus is very close to current Maplewood institutional operating costs-perhaps a bit less. And in terms of capital costs, providing an upgrade to Maplewood, or a campus of 15 houses is also very similar in capital outlays. If located in a Keene market tax credit area—where appropriate available sites have been found, capital costs will likely be less expensive for a greenhouse campus. The current Commissioners will be holding 4 public information and input sessions throughout the county. Besides interested voters and taxpayers, ideally these hearings will be attended by incumbent and new county delegation members (those elected to the NH House, who will deliberate the future of eldercare in Cheshire County). Please carefully consider the information and evidence, and provide informed input to the Cheshire county community. Warm regards, Chuck Weed ,
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 14:34:31 +0000

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