I was a student of film making for 3 years at Art School and we - TopicsExpress


I was a student of film making for 3 years at Art School and we took it all very seriously. Consequently, even in this DVD age, I still love going to the cinema, because it is a total experience, but the process has changed enormously... I look back at a time when you could pay your 2 bob and sit in the circle of the Palace, Aldershot, smelling the musty curtains and orange peel, but drinking in the atmosphere of anticipation as you listened to the strains of Guitar Tango, before the Pearl and Dean ads burst onto the screen. In those days, you got 2 feature films, the news and Look at Life number 3,000,000 and 6, plus a girl who would sell you soft ice cream from a tray. Films were such a special treat then. Until they came on the telly at Christmas at least 4 years later, you would never see them again, unless you stayed in the cinema all day and watched it over and over... And now? Well, you pay nearly 9 quid and get a numbered seat which probably means you have to squeeze past some obese cretin with a gammy leg. The adverts are exhausting and ear drum shattering and you are subjected to sounds, and philosophies of modern day materialism which many of us would never choose to suffer. And what is this modern obsession with gluttony when seeing a film? Do people really need a BUCKET of Coke and a cement mixer sized trough of pop corn to get through the screening? Or a stinking 2 foot long hot dog, smothered in rank wall paper paste to slobber down their chins? And why do they sit next to me, rustling the pop corn and crunching it 10 times louder than they need to? And do they really have to check the messages on their phones throughout the showing, illuminating the darkened auditorium with little pin pricks of irritating light? And why do so many turn up as the film begins, squeezing past you with nary an apology? Do they not possess watches? And do they REALLY need a piss just when the action is hotting up? If you have bladder problems, stay at home and watch your precious DVD, or perhaps purchase a pair of those incontinence trousers which Billy Connolly promoted so well! Oh my... but you know what? I still love going to the cinema!!! ;-) Cohen Brothers new one next...
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 11:35:33 +0000

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