I was doing some reading yesterday about the days of Noah (Luke - TopicsExpress


I was doing some reading yesterday about the days of Noah (Luke 17) and read the account of Noah in Gen. 6. In verses 6 and 11 the word violence in Hebrew is: CHAMAS - pronounced HA MAS. Now, Jesus was giving a clear as crystal picture of what the time of the end days will be like when using that historical record of Noahs days. Noah walked with God and the wicked, violent people were the seed of satan - and God cleansed the earth. Jesus is saying... Im going to do it again, as depicted in His revelation to John (Revelations). WHAT MOVIE CAME OUT EARLIER THIS YEAR that did nothing but CONFUSE and MUDDLE this true account??? NOAH. Coincidence??? I think not. Satan KNOWS his days a numbered!!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 16:10:55 +0000

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