I was enlisting into the marine corps and was disqualified for - TopicsExpress


I was enlisting into the marine corps and was disqualified for having keratoconus. Im 25 years old and never experienced any of the symptoms that comes from Keratoconus. I never wore contacts and rarely wear glasses. I was prescribed glasses last year and only wore them a few times. According to the military, I have 20/40 Uncorrected and 20/25 corrected. I passed the eye test but they did a topography scan on both my eyes and thats when I found out I have Keratoconus. I reached out to a corneal eye specialist who treats Keratoconus patients and showed him my results from the topography. He states it couldve been misdiagnosed and it could really be just dry eyes. Doctors tend to misdiagnose dry eyes with Keratoconus. He says its a 25% chance that it could just be dry eye syndrome and that can easily be treated. Im aware if I do really have Keratoconus there are various treatment options( glasses, contacts, cross linking). If I can prove I dont have this, I might give the military another shot. My question is, if anybody in their experience or knowledge, has seen another eye doctor telling them they dont have Keratoconus and what would they do to diagnose you with what you really have. I really do think I have just dry eyes; I been reading the symptoms for dry eyes and I have some of them but nothing major. I just started using artificial tear drops and Im noticing slight improvement. If anybody has any insight on this, please feel free to write back. Thank you
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 19:20:51 +0000

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