I was lucky to meet with the first annual Indiana Leadership Forum - TopicsExpress


I was lucky to meet with the first annual Indiana Leadership Forum today. The Forum consisted of 24 high school students from all over Indiana. They were selected from a pool of applicants for their leadership abilities, and they are an amazing bunch. Each student has a disability of some kind - blindness, deafness, cerebal palsy, Down Syndrome, autism spectrum disorder and dyslexia were all represented, along with several others. They loved it when the Governor took time out of his busy schedule to meet with the group. The Autism Society of Indiana coordinated the event, and participants are staying at IUPUI for five days and learning about different aspects of leadership and advocacy each day. I spoke to the group and answered questions, but they inspired me a lot more than I stirred anything in them, I think. Their last question for me was to define the biggest struggle I had getting elected. I then asked them share their struggles, and I dont think Ill ever forget some of the stories they told. All of us are far luckier than we realize, and we take so much for granted every day. My struggles dont compare to what these kids fight through. Many shared how lonely it is to go through high school with a disability. Their challenges are varied and large, but they dont let any of it hold them back. They want to become effective advocates for the disabled, and I think they are closer than they realize. I have new heroes today.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 19:49:15 +0000

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