I was told I was crazy for knowing that we are connected to the - TopicsExpress


I was told I was crazy for knowing that we are connected to the quantum field. for thinking that I can change reality.. for realizing that each and every thought and feeling has infinite power behind it.. that all potentials can be taken captive by a meta-conscious mind.. i told him how liberating realizing this truth was, but I couldnt get past the WALL of ego he had erected.. I am not even talking to real people, it seems.. these times I am frustrated I am learning just how deeply rooted this false self is in all of us.. we have to get outside the idea of ourselves, and die to fear.. he wasnt having any of it.. i irked him.. i really ground on his gears. I felt uncomfortable and apprehensive.. I knew he wasnt listening but I had let myself enter into a loop, arguing instead of sharing... tense where before I had been relaxed... after all my attempts at getting even the basic concept across I just wanted to leave. then I was told how retarded I was for thinking I could change the world with the power of my own positive intention.. I am severing emotional contracts.. i am pulling no punches..despite his rudeness, I wished him well and gave a parting comment about being open minded and free thinking..it doesnt matter.. I learned something from it.. I didnt go over to his house to lecture.. but who I am is someone who feels so very free and I instinctively stop people and question them whenever they speak words of doubt, fear, or negativity about themselves or others.. I guess people dont want to think or to question? is there no desire in our hearts to dig deeper and know who and what we are? where is the introspection in america.. I feel isolated in my growth... I feel alone in my awareness of nothing.. and I am finally so very happy.. I am finally free. from expectation.. from worry... I am liberated of doubt and fear.. no longer are they my friends.. no more are we allies in life.. I am walking alone, on this road to nowhere.. I dont have anywhere to go and I dont have any limits at all.. wow. what a life.. what a ride. it doesnt matter if everyone thinks Im insane for replacing old, dead end, beliefs that seem certain with the uncertain chaos of new potential, but so be it.. I will be who I know I am meant to be, and not who I have been used to being.. afterall. .there is far more to me than what Ive thought I could be before... its going to be great.. its going to be honest...i feel integrated.. i feel unified.. and again.. I am happy.... i dont need to have a goal.. I dont need to have a want... i need not want for no-thing... I am the tao.. i am the way, the truth, and the life.. what I think and feel is what matters most.. to be selfish is to be selfless in the knowing that one is many and not so singular in nature.. one is the whole.. and the entirety of it all is the one thing that is no thing at all.. and I am HAPPY... and I am free...
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 03:36:38 +0000

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