I will not under any circumstance shop at Walmart today..I support - TopicsExpress


I will not under any circumstance shop at Walmart today..I support the folks who are out there striking and I support those who are striking on their behalf. I stand in solidarity with those who are being retaliated against for standing up and trying to form a union.. Its bad enough the largest and most affluent retailer in the world pays piss poor wages which means that most who working there can barely get by. In fact a sizeable number are on welfare and other forms of general assistance..It so bad that some stores have to hold food drives to help employees in need ..If there is any outlet that personifies the oppression of workers and their rights it would be this outlet.. Its also worth noting that Walmart fronts organizations headed by people of color that pushes for charter schools, with the main goal of gutting and privatizing public education..All this talk about educational reform is because of the money put out by Walmart.. Same way we saw the rise of crazy Stand Your Ground Laws because of massive funding via the Koch brothers.. What Walmart is doing impacts everyone from teachers unions on down to the kids who come out ready to work at low end jobs vs being educated, critical free thinkers highlighting a robust education.. huffingtonpost/peter-dreier/why-are-walmart-billionar_b_2779211.html I hope that others who have been fighting for the rights of workers or who are bringing attention to their own plights dont make excuses to go shopping at a place that is bashing on workers left and right.. That would include teachers who are finding themselves on the cutting block with attempts to weaken their unions. That would include BART workers who wanted us to stand behind them as they fought for safe work places and better wages and went on strike twice. Hopefully yall are behind workers striking at Walmart.. Hopefully those who were picketing to increase minimum wages and get fast food workers $15 an hour dont cross those Walmart picket lines..Hopefully those vendors who were striking at AT&T park talking about piss poor wages while the Giants and others made record profits, dont go shopping at Walmart knowing fellow workers are fighting for the same things you were this summer.. Hopefully AC Transit workers who were set to strike a couple of months ago dont say to themselves its all good now and bypass the low wage workers at Walmart.. Yes, its tempting. Its hard to resist in hard economic times where they are slashing prices 50% and every TV news station that has been brought and paid for are hyping it up like theres no tomorrow..and yes, there will people who simply dont care.. Its about getting a good deal and they dont care about workers.. Just keep in mind, one day soon you are likely gonna want the help of public to help save your job or kick up dist about egregious conditions or practices ... Folks may wanna read this article about the time that Black folks all over the country were set to boycott Christmas and how they got sold out.. Malcolm X touches upon the main person who disrupted this in Message to the Grassroots.. allhiphop/2013/11/25/i-saw-black-leaders-kissin-santa-claus/
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 22:39:30 +0000

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