I would like to share with you all the experience that God really - TopicsExpress


I would like to share with you all the experience that God really allowed me to participate in. Humbled, in awe, Im still in the midst of processing the event that occurred last Saturday. During evangelising, i decided to place myself in a very vulnerable area- the CBD of auburn, right infront of the Christmas tree, to worship our Lord Jesus and make him known to the people within the vicinity. From previous experiences, i realised that i should make aware that i was not there to busk but simply there to worship, so i made and used a sign on an A4 page saying I sing for Jesus. I dont need your change, but i want you to change... The expression of people that walked by after reading the sign was a clear indication that i was a weirdo. Smirks, laughter, pointing... but it was totally worth it. After a handful of conversations i made with stand byers, i approached a man around my age and asked how his day was.. This lead to one thing to another and in the end he wanted to play my guitar, so without hesitation, i handed it to him and he started to sing Amazing Grace... in my surprise i asked if he was Christian but he responded with a no. Funny isnt it? a non believer singing Amazing Grace...... So i asked him if he knew what the song was about, what Grace is, who this Jesus guy really is.. and this is pretty much where God intervened. Whilst talking to the fellow brother - his name allen- 3 of his friends decided to join the conversation. God threw the opportunity and i knew i had to leap on it. I was told that they were all homeless, currently looking for a church that can provide them abit of money to help get their car (home) started to get to their desired location. One of Allens friend Jessie said he was a believer, that even though he has been placed in a situation where he got kicked out of house, no money, no home, he knew that Jesus was a faithful, providential God. After 30 minutes of sharing my faith, an atheist lady joined our conversation and started to pretty much give us crap. As soon as she joined though, an elderly man joined the circle (a jehovahs witness) and started to preach his own doctrine. I found this amazing. God is amazing. Using someone like me to bring together 6 people to talk about Jesus. So the conversations continued and Jesus was at the centre of it. The jehovahs witness man started to say that there is only one God and Jesus as well as the Holy Spirit is underneath that God. Pretty much saying that Jesus is not a God... and this fellow brother Jessie out of no where started to explain that Jesus is our Lord- God head three in one. we continued the 7 way conversation about Jesus for another 10-15 minutes and most of them dispersed, leaving behind Allen and Jessie. I packed my gear and took the time to really embrace them and pray for them and give them a portion of my finance to practically help them out. I exchanged numbers with Jessie and even till now we exchange messages. He promised he will come to our EM service with his friend Allen. Being in the midst of Gods awesome plan was so evident on this day. I really am so humbled, so thankful, and so privileged for God allowing me, through his grace, to be his faithful ambassador.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 12:06:25 +0000

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