I wrote and posted this last November. It seems I may have been a - TopicsExpress


I wrote and posted this last November. It seems I may have been a year or so early. ___________ Just been thinking: After the results of yesterdays ballots are all tabulated. After all the sign boards, bill boards, newspaper ads, radio ads, and TV ads have vanished from our purview, we will hear the death rattles of a once proud part of America. The GOP majority in the upcoming Lame Duck Session of the House of Representatives will be filled with the noise of a blustering and broken party. The GOP will very likely not survive, in its present form, past this session. When the new session convenes next year, I predict that a new party will present itself, and most likely the failed programs and leaders will have been replaced by patriots. If this doesnt happen, the GOP will splinter. The opposing factions all caucusing as separate parties, and the Democratic party will then assume a de facto leadership of the House as they manage to move the nation forward. It is possible that the Senates minority leadership will be replaced, as its failures of the past four years are astounding and obvious. McConnell and company have failed their party and their nation on many fronts, not the least of which was making President Obama a one term president. The GOP will change, or history will likely be very unkind to them in their demise. The party that has seemed, in the recent past, to be intent upon electing only the least qualified people to Congress has been largely defeated. Though some remain, I suspect their voices will be hushed by the calm voice of reason. Michele Bachmann, Alan West, Rand Paul, and others will become a footnote of the new GOP. This must happen or the Republican Party will cease to exist. I dont say these things with any glee or smug self-satisfaction, for although I am a Democrat, I have always believed in our two party system of government. It takes two to debate. It takes two to compromise. It takes two ideas to make one thing work in most instances. A single, omnipotent, and ruling party would be wrong for America, and that would be true even if that party were my own. I go now to celebrate the victory of our Presidents re-election, and part of that celebration will be tempered with the fervent wish that the Republican Party put on its old coat of conservatism, and discard the one of regression. Ive always said that.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 17:51:15 +0000

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