IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO ALL MY FRIENDS, PLEASE TAKE A MINUTE TO READ, THANK YOU: I am sorry to resort to this, it is actually quite sad and embarrassing, but I have been left with no other option. Sadly, it has recently been brought to my attention that a certain someone in the FB universe, that I once did call friend, has began slandering me, defamation of my character, creating false accusations, making up untruthful stories about me, and actually going as far as threatening and demanding that people unfriend me and walk away from me. I have been called an evil person and supposedly have done evil things to people, whatever that is supposed to mean. This has been going on for many, many months now, and I have basically tried my best to ignore this individual, and be a better person concerning this situation by just simply turning the other cheek and not even worrying about nor wasting any of my time or energy about. I have also blocked this person, in hopes that would cease these immature acts, and stop all of this. However, today this person has again started their tricks, lies and allegations again, verbally attacking friends of mine and friends that newly have sent me requests, and I have lost some friends that just did not wish to allow me the chance to show them who I really am and that I am not the supposed evil monster that I have been described as. This all makes me very sad and upset. I value people, and I value friends. Friends are like extended family to me, even FB friends whom I may have never had the pleasure to meet in person, due to being in various world locations, I consider everyone on my list to be a very good friend here and I value ALL of you very much. I appreciate that you all wish to be called my friend, and have offered your friendship and allowed me to be a part of yours online here. I would never lie, or jeopardize your friendships, ever. Period. If anyone ever wishes to know anything about me, or wishes to learn more about me or my creative projects or dreams or anything, all any of you have to do is simply ask. I will always be truthful in my answers, because I value your friendship, caring and respect you have given to me as well. That being said, I just wanted to finally get this unfortunate situation aired out, in the public, and am asking that if you hear things being said about me, please come to me for answers or questioning before you decide or choose to walk away from friendship. If you have read all of this, I appreciate it very much. And I hope all of you will continue your friendships with me. Thank you and I wish you all a great day! -SF Von Kelly
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 19:17:54 +0000

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