IN ORDER TO DESTROY A MAN THE GODS, GIVE HIM MORE POWER?? That may not seem to be the case as yet, but there is a striking similarity, with what we are observing at the moment, as the leader of the single largest political party after the Pangu Party, rocks with internal friction, caused by challengers, who are unsure of how the current prime minister, will navigate his course, out of the storm, with the allegations of impropriety in the Paraka scandal and many other shady financial transactions, handled by the CSTB including the Borneo Pacific pharmaceutical supply contract that had decimated the credibility of the prime minister and the PNC party. It was the demi gods of Papua New Guinea politics that had called the shot, by ruling out all other options, on who should be the prime minister after the 2012 general elections, when they clicked on their cell phones to prop up Peter ONeill, against all potential contenders, including the the radical Belden Namah, whose hopes were shattered when the three former prime ministers waltzed with ONeill, at the Airways Motel, enroute to camp alotau. It is unsure, who had rolled the dice, but we can be sure it was the PPP factor, as Ben Micah, had victory in Kavieng as a PPP, and was able to get Sir Julius, who talked Wingti into the group, as he was down with numbers, and they both talked Somare into burying the hatchet for the time being to cut out sweet heart deals and linger around the bend for the opportunity to strike a new deal. For now the moment has arrived, but have these demi gods, have any more credibility to raise their greedy fingers? Nay.. they are goners as the nation has lost whatever little respect that was saved of them. For now, it would seem solid that the foot soldier who was rejected by the Kings has returned to take their place. Belden Namah, may never be King ever, but as it is now. - he is a King maker.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 02:53:48 +0000

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