INAUGURAL SPEECH DELIVERED BY ODESOLA OLUWAFEMI VICTOR, PRESIDENT, STUDENTS UNION UNIVERSITY OF IBADAN AT TRENCHARD HALL, ON AUGUST 6,2014. The Vice Chancellor, the Deputy Vice Chancellors here present, The Registrar, University Bursar, University Librian, Dean Students Affairs, Deans of our Faculties, Deputy Registrars, distinguished Unionist of the premier University, invited guests, ladies and gentlemen. Appreciation goes to the Almighty, the giver of life and the Maker of all Moments. Making this day a possibility is a miracle we are ever grateful for. Today, we gather to swear in the new set of leaders for the Students Union on the shore of the premiere University. This gathering though called inauguration day, is the substance of the faith of our fathers; faith that there is something good in the posterity that they lived for; faith that without a responsible posterity, their existence is nothing but a failed mission. Standing on this ground today with the sole desire and mandate to lead over 22,000 student colleagues is a great honor; an honor indeed to stand in shoes of the martyred unionist Adekunle Adepeju who lost his life championing a peaceful protest for the students of his time. This solemn assembly still reminds us that the redemption he died for has not perished. I must be true to you, to myself and to my God that the Students Unionism of today has a form of what the true comrades handed down but denies the spirit and the power. The desire and passion to drive a purposeful union has over the years have been passive and almost absolutely coyly demonstrated by our leaders. The political ground among students has been directly affiliated to their advanced counterpart; the mainstream politics for a sacred purpose of satisfying self and thus defying the interest of the total students as declared in their various sworn oath. To this end, there is a need for revitalizing, resuscitating, and redeeming the true spirit and image of unionism. In the face of the deplorable state of students unionism in Nigeria today, it has become imperative that we think and work towards the evolution of student unions that would be positive and progressive and at the same time, confrontational. Giving cognizance to the right and obligation of the students, using the constitution as a viable point of reference, the members of the union; undergraduate and post graduate alike are those ideally eligible to be functional members of the union. But some elements are out to disunite us so that our liberty and pursuit of happiness will take far away from the grip of our fingers. Our message goes to them that the beacon of a union of the students, by the students and for the students has been lit by the mandate entrusted to us today. We will guard it with every fiber of our strength. We must acknowledge that the present authorities have done so much, but more still needs to be done. The journey to the University of our dreams is a long and tough, but we will never shy away from toeing it together. As from today, we shall roll up our sleeves, jump into the running currents of the waters of time and bend its course to the side of liberty, equity and justice. In this is etched the philosophy of the Redemption we preach. History has taught us that the questions of yesterday birthed the transformative answers of today. The future therefore beckons on us to ask questions today and harvest the desired answers tomorrow. The independence of our various Associations and the leadership of our Halls of Residence is a matter dear to our hearts. We see leadership at these platforms not only for training, but also avenues to express the quality of our character and the pride of our intellect. But today, the reigns of students leadership on this campus still dangles between students and the managements at some levels. We therefore ask, fearlessly, why some student association accounts are still been actively controlled by staff advisers and some wardens? When the sun shines and the world is basking in the joy of the new dawn, a typical new day in both Queen Idia and Obafemi Awolowo Halls is in itself a new challenge for our female comrades. The trembling moments of difficulty graced with some elevating levels of painstaking toughness specifically in the area of transportation and the comfort ability of the students cannot be waved aside. I must affirm that on one hand, every moment, every living seconds of the residents of Zik, Indy, Awo and Idia have over the years experienced great difficulty in the sector of transportation, electricity and portable water supply. The students have acculturated into a process of accepting the fate of stress and consistent discomfort when actually they can live a life of suiting progressive development that can foster peace and comfort among the union of students. One the other hand, the generality of students in the institution constantly experience setbacks in the areas of internet facility; prompt and viable attendance at Jaja clinic; exorbitant fee on the add and delete form among post graduate students; the irreverent state of our lecture theatres; the consternations in the welfare of the young farmers engaging in the Practical Year Training Programme (PYTP); undue stress for the clearance of graduating students, inefficiency on the path of the Industrial Training Coordinating Centre and the horrific cum ill- fated situation of the poorly developed kitchenette are issues we must tackle very dearly. The facilities in our libraries have kept us confined to the technologies and knowledge of the 60s and 70s while our contemporaries around the world share with us the miracles of the present age. Sir, when shall we arrive at an equal pedestal where we will all stand shoulder to shoulder with any student anywhere in the world, waving our University flag with pride? Furthermore, the various science laboratories are inadequately equipped and the poorly maintained. Apparently, it must be emphasized that the Faculty of science-technology road that leads directly to Awo and Idia Hall is definitely insecure at night. The street Lights are inadequate and more are needed. Our voice still goes out today for our dear comrade whose fate still lie in wait for justice. The delay in swearing in the Zik Hall Chairman-elect, after a free and fair election, still aches our hearts beyond words. We believe in the Rule of Law and that laws cannot take retroactive effect over any issue. We have taken our oath today, when shall he take his oath and assume the leadership of the Baluba Kingdom? They say Rome was not built in a day, but Rome was built daily! Our dreams, aspirations, destinies as a Union may not all come to fore in one day, but every passing day, brick by brick, we would build our Rome in the Premier University together. God and time on our side, we will provide answers to these questions together. When a vibrant Union meets a willing management, the progress achievable will be amazing. We therefore covet the cooperation and understanding of the management in helping to meet the yearnings of the students whose thumbprints gave us this hallowed responsibility. The forces of change-minded students cannot be stopped by any barrier or barricade. We therefore enjoin our fellow students to join us in the search for viable answers. For those who voted us and those who did not, the destiny of our union stand on working together in answering the questions of our time. The coming months will test our resolve, will try our unquenchable thirst for a lasting redemption, will question the collectivity of our actions. We in the leadership will lead the way to progress and prosperity, unity and progress. Together, we shall reach the threshold of our best someday. Long live the Students Union! Long live the University of Ibadan! Long live Federal Republic of Nigeria!
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 07:19:51 +0000

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