ITOOPHIYAA (Ethiopia) fi Qarooma Uummata Kuush Madda maqaa - TopicsExpress


ITOOPHIYAA (Ethiopia) fi Qarooma Uummata Kuush Madda maqaa ‘‘Itoophiyaa’’ jedhuu: Biyya Itoophiyaa jedhantee waamamtu tana keessatti cunqursaa fi miidhaan cimaan Sabootaa fi sab-lammoota hedduurra gayee jira. Daafee hacuuccaa fi cunqursaa kanaan baayeen keenya maqichalle ni jibbina. Worri gariin ammoo maqaan ETHIOPIA jedhu kun durii kaasee macaaf /kitaaba qulqulluu keessa jira, kanaafuu biyyi ETHIOPIA jedhantu tun durii kaachee bifuma amma jirtu kanaan, boca amma qabdu qabattee woggoota kuma sadii ol jiraattee jirti jedhanii amanan.Iteetuu malee jechi kun hiikni isaa ka durii maal akka tae nami beeku nama rukkicha. Jechi Itoophiyaa jedhu dhaloonni isaa jecha afaan Giriikii ti: The name Ethiopia derived, from the Greek form, aithiopia, from the two words aitho, “I burn”, and ops, “face”. It would hence mean the colored man’s land — the land of the scorched faces. ... (Free online Encyclopedia) Akka hiika jecha Ethiopia kanatti jechi kun uummata fuulli isaanii gubate ykn mammagaallatu bakka kan buu dha. The Greeks called all peoples south of Egypt (particularly the area now known as Nubia;Aithopia) (ibid) However other origin is claimed for the name by many modern writers, some of whom say that the Greeks borrowed the word from the Egyptians, and that as early as the Twelfth Dynasty the Egyptians knew the land under the name Ksh, or Kshi. Uummanni Giriiki lafa Misira/Egyptgaditti dhaggamu cufa maqaa Itoophiyaa jedhu kanaan yaamaa ture. Yennaa dur san keessa maqaan Itoophiyaa jedhu ka macaafa/kitaaba qulqulluu fa irra jiru lafa amma Itoophiyaa jedhamtu qofa adoo hin tein lafa Egypt gadii keessattuu NUUBIYAA-biyya uunmmanni KUUSH (Oromoo,Somaalee,Affaar,Sidaamaa, Hadiyyaa, Agaw,Konsoo,Burjii, Gedeoo fi kkf) irra qubatanii jiraatan argisiisa. It should be noted that the Hebrew bible call Nubian as Cush while the Greece bible refers Nubians as ethiope. The land of Cush—the son of Biblical Ham—is generally considered to be in the vicinity of the Ancient cities of Meroë and Napata, located in present-day Sudan. Back to pre-Christian era, the Biblical verse that Ethiopia will stretch its hands to God refers to today’s Sudan territory of Cushitic Nubians, not Semites- Nubia, ancient region in northeastern Africa, extending approximately from the Nile River valley (near the first cataract in Upper Egypt) eastward to the shores of the Red Sea, southward to about Khartoum (in what is now The Sudan), and westward to the Libyan Desert. The southern part of it to the southern end of the second cataract of the Nile was called Cush (Kush) under the 18th-dynasty pharaohs of ancient Egypt and called Ethiopia by the ancient Greeks. The northern part of the region, up to the first cataract of Aswān, was called Wawat. (Encyclopedia Britannica) Maqaan Nuubiyaa jedhulle lafa dur uummanni Kuush irra qubataa ture kan laga Abbaayaa qabatee Suudan qabatee hanga Egypt deemu kan bakka buu. Wolumaagalatti Nubiyaa=Itoophiyaa=Kush jechuun ni dandaama. Modern usage has transferred this name further south to the land and peoples known in the late 19th and early 20th century as Abyssinia or Ethiopians. (Supra note 1) Boodarra garuu dhuma jaarraa 19ffaa fi jaarraa 20ffaa keessa maqaan kun lafa Abyssinia bakka buee biyyi maqaa kanaan beekkamtu uumamte. Biyyi amma Itoophiyaa jedhamu kun baldhinnaa fi daangaa amma qabu kana kan horate bara 1885n booda erga Minilik IIsabootaa fi sablammoota biraa humnaan weerareen duuba. Achiin dura garuu naannoon kaaba Itoophiyaa kan Eertiraa, Tigiree, Goondarii fi hamma amaara shawaa qabatee jiru Abyssinia jedhamee waamamaa ture. Bara 1940ndura biyyi Itoophiyaa jedhamtu hin jirtu turte. Lafti kun Ethiopia jedhamee kan waamame erga weerara xaaliyaan booda bara 1940 irraa kaasee labsiidhaan maqaan gara Ethiopiatti akka jirjiiramu taasifame. Bara weerara Xaaliyaan League of Nation keessattille maqaan galmootteen Abyssinia maqaa jedhu ture. However other origin is claimed for the name by many modern writers, some of whom say that the Greeks borrowed the word from the Egyptians, and that as early as the Twelfth Dynasty the Egyptians knew the land under the name Kush, or Kshi.(ibid) Wolumaagalatti, uummanni Egypt fi kan Greek maqaa Itoophiyaa jedhamuun yaamaa kan ture uummata Kuush malee uummata Habashaa miti. Kanaafuu jaarraa 19ffaa fi 20ffaa dura maqaa Itoophiyaa jedhamu kanaan kan waamamaa ture uummata Kuushii ti. Eebbaa fi abaarsalle taatu kan ilaallatu uummata kana. Uummanni Habashaa garuu kitaaba kiristaanaa keessatti waan gaarii marroo Itoophiyaa barreeffame kana arganii jennaan maqaa kana fudhachuu qabna jedhanii biyya tanalle akka maqaa ETHIOPIA jedhamtuun waamamtu taasisan. Sabni Kuush bara durii woggoota 2950BC-2500BC naannoo amma Egypt jedhamu jiraataa turee gara NUUBIYATTI gad godaanuu fi naannoo amma Suudan jedhamu qubatee MEROE ijaaree turuu fi Meroeen lolaan irraa barbadoofnaan gara gaafa Afrikaa lafa amma jiraatuutti gad dhufuu fi Oromoon ammoo Saboota Kuush kan biraarraa kophatti eennummaa ammaa kan argate naannoo Haroo Wolaabuu fi Madda Wolaabuu giddutti argamu irra qubateetu. (Toleeraa,34) Muuseen niitii Itoophiyaa fuudhe yo jedhamu uummata Kuush/Oromoo tauu; uummati harka gara Waaqaa badhisa jedhamelle uummata Oromoo teuu, akkasumalle wanti bara durii maqaa Itoophiyaatiin jedhame waan Saba kanaaf jedhame teuu hubachuu qabna.The term “Abyssinia” arises from the Arabic word “Habesha”. Qarooma Uuumata Kuush/Itoophiyaa Uummanni kuush kun abbaa qarooma baayyee turuu isaa garuu qaroomni isaa sababa lola tureetiin irraa baduu isaa qorattoonni seenaa ni himu. Qaroomni uummata Kuush Afrikaa keessatti kan matoomaa/jalqabaa ta’uu Drusilla Dunjee Houston, (1876­1941) kitaaba ishii kan Wonderful Ethiopians jedhu keessatti: the Cushites were the earliest known Black African civilization. Reaching its peak between 1750 and 1500 B.C.E., and lasting until the fourth century C.E., the Cushite empire occupied what is now the Sudan, with its capital at Meroe on the Nile. At their high point, Cushites even conquered and ruled ancient Egypt from 750­650 B.C.E. Because of their geographical isolation, they had nowhere near the impact on other parts of the world that Houston attributed them. The Cushites were heavily influenced by the older Egypt culture, rather than the other way around. They left behind fields of hundreds of small steep­angled burial pyramids, the design of which was borrowed from Egypt and scaled down. jechuudhaan uummanni kun uummata qarooma matoomaa taúu ibsitee jirti. John D. Baldwin (1809­-1883) kitaabasaa Pre­historic Nations jedhu keessatti qaroomni uummata kuush kan Egypt/ Misiraa kan dursu ta’uu ibseera. “According the author, there was an ancient civilization that existed in Ancient Arabia, prior to the rise of the civilizations in Sumer, Egypt and the Indus Valley.” Mootonni Kuush (Faroononni gurraaleen-black Pharaohs) Misira/Egypt bulchaa turuusaaniille ibseera. ­ In 1913 to 1916 Harvard Egyptologist George A. Reisner (1867­1942) discovered a previously unknown Sudanese civilization and the first archaeological evidence that Cushite kings ruled Egypt. Qarooma Aksumiin wol qabatee ammoo Barreessituun kitaaba The stolen legacy jedhamu siidaa Aksum uummata kuushitti hojjate jettee falmiti. Bokkuu fi kallachaan wolfakkaachuun isaa akka ragaatti fudhatama jedhu. Maqaan isaayyuu A-K-S-M kan jedhu akkasumaan jechuu ta’uu hin dhabu jedhan.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 18:26:37 +0000

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