(ITS SAD THAT PEOPLE TALK SO TOUGH BUT REFUSE TO STAND AGAINST THE VERY PEOPLE WHO SEEK TO ENSLAVE, POISON AND EVENTUALLY MURDER US ALL... A friend wrote this and I gotta say I feel the same way thus had to re-post. People are too much asleep or brainwashed to even care anymore the rest have been put in constant fear of their own Miliaries, Governments and Law Enforcement Agencies. Many of us are starting to give up on people due to the fact they either dont want to know, are to scared to know or have sold out and we feel like nobody is listening or cares anymore. We need to do what we can to protect ourselves as well as our families now, because we are going down very fast. Fact is that the United States is being destroyed by crooked / corrupt people in power and is crumbling from within. I hear people all the time commenting on the weird or violent weather happening out of the blue, but blame it on nature. It is not nature you bumbling idiots, it is HAARP and the chemtrails. The chemicals and the high frequency microwaving of those chemicals that is bringing all this terrible weather world wide and sick part is its very deliberate just like the mass Gang stalking cells in every state in the U.S. Wake up people before it is too late if people dont stand and stop it we all will perish. You all may laugh at me, poke fun at me and think I am a paranoid nut job but you will not be doing it when you realize that some of us are right and have been right all along. You all will realize in the end that you should have listened to us we have been trying to warn / help you all for years. Once this planet is ruined there will be no bringing it back all life will be extinct!!!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 20:23:04 +0000

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