Id like to take you on a trip down memory lane and share a - TopicsExpress


Id like to take you on a trip down memory lane and share a story...Most of you who have attended our L.I.M.E. events experience the polished side of the evening...the glamor, the glitz, the fun, the jokes, the songs...oh yeah..and the food. Do you know what goes on behind the scenes? Allow me to set the scene...Edisto Island. An idyllic location set close to the beach...tucked away from it all...truly a place to get away from it all at that. Our featured chef was scheduled to arrive at noon and our guests at 5:30pm. 1pm comes and goes. 2pm comes and goes...No word from our chef. No word from our chefs support team. No return calls to any of our voice or text messages. The tables have been set for a full house, the cocktails are being set up. 3pm arrives...still no sign of the chef or the food! Fortunately, Chef Ulfet Ozyabasligil Ralph was on hand. She and I started plotting our back up menu...we had less than two hours to not only plan and execute a menu for 40 guests...but we were on Edisto Island on a public holiday...where the closest thing to a grocery was the Gas Station Convenience Store. The kind folks of Edisto Island also started getting concerned and were offering their most recent hunted proteins: Venison and Squirrel! 4pm...Ulfet was researching how to cook Squirrel!! 4:30pm...Our featured chef rolls in with the food and her staff! For those of you that know me...know I am pretty even keeled and patient and Im a cheap date! The story does not end there by a long shot! Oh no! Our featured chef then spends the rest of the evening worried about how her hair looked versus whether the food was ready to go out or not. Fortunately, again L.I.M.E.s very own Turkish Chef was there to save the day, as she commandeered the kitchen. And I at that point was well into my 7th glass of Salty Dog! And then my curse came into full effect, as it started to pour buckets of rain on our idyllic outdoor island setting, which had promised a full moon rising! The tents came out from the shed and the food was transported under umbrellas to our guests. Did our guests know about what was occurring back in the kitchen? Nope...not one inkling! Our featured chef came out and received her compliments after each course. As a matter of fact, we had a standing ovation at the end of the night and raised quite a lot of funds for our charity. Now wouldnt you want to know what goes on behind the scenes of L.I.M.E.? We think you should! So please help support us as we try to cover our filming expenses of our Dec 7 Forage to Table LIME for a reality show pilot. We have less than two weeks to pull off this minor miracle...So take this next leap of faith with us as we grow and spread our message to the wider community. gofundme/5f7meg FYI: That Featured Chef is a dear and loved close friend of ours...and we tease her all the time about her stint at Edisto...and in fact we credit her for planting the seed in our head about a reality show! So no love was lost...and no squirrels were consumed!
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 22:47:27 +0000

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