If ANYBODY feels sorry for themselves or hates themselves please - TopicsExpress


If ANYBODY feels sorry for themselves or hates themselves please STOP! Ive been there done that a lot of times. What you need to do is own up to the things you have done or that have happened to you, admit and accept them, then make a change for the better. Think about the happiest moments in your life. Now imagine the best memories you have had and those people that you were with...k good. Now erase them. The world would be so much worse without you, can you see that now? If you still doubt me, what is the world to you? My definition of the world is not a round ball with land and water where things merely exist ...NO...The world is the place you live in every day, the things that you do, the people that you see, the passing smile of a stranger, the smell of fresh air, it is YOUR surroundings, YOUR world. The odds against life in this universe are astronomical. If you are in feeling depressed and it feels like theres no escape, take a risk or two and escape already. Just going through the motions to keep your head from sinking will depress anybody. If you give up after just one or two tries, cut your losses, and go back to the same routine YOU ARE LOOSING INSTEAD Of WINNING! That is like driving to Vegas to play a penny at a time on a penny slot...why even leave the routine if your not going to try and achieve something? INSTEAD! You create the moves, swim out of the deep end when your tired and into waters you are comfortable in. This will make you feel as if you own it, turning helplessness into fearlessness. When you have little fear you do bold things. You ask for the raise you deserve! You ask the model for their number! You gain confidence which makes you stand out. When you take bigger steps towards being a better person, the bad or worthless feelings get conquered! Feeling good or self worthy will make you proud that you took those steps until soon you reach the top of that moubtain. If your anything like me, you like to stack against the odds and get 35 times the payback like in roulette. A lot of people view this as stupudity or living carelessly...I view it as LIVING! The risk is what makes that adrenaline explode into your body making you feel ALIVE! If you dont achieve the results you thrived for it does suck, but you learn from it. If all you learned was how that excitement, that emotion, that thrill made you feel. How you forgot everything else and in those few moments you were the center of the universe. Living with caution speaks for itself, if you dream little, you change little. This world was made perfect, it is the evil that slowly destroys it. Not just jealousy, money, and betrayal either. The stealing, cheating, and lieing is the evil you possess. In order to stop the evil from overpowering the good think of steps your taking as climbing a mountain and not to the top of each peak right in front of you. Whatever it is that you dream about; whether it be happiness like me, or filthy rich like Bill Gates. Start putting your self worth towards your goals, start working at them, and turn your goals into achievements. Once you achieve what you have dreamt, everything that surrounds you starts becoming yours and wants to be around you in turn making you feel not only wanted but needed. It keeps growing beyond your wildest dreams. Not just the material things, but everything in the world, YOUR world, however you view it or define it you become the center of it. The world is one huge living chain reaction of organisms so be the life of it! You no longer exist in it but you own it! Once you own YOUR world, the world you live in, why stop there, help everything else live around you too! #theresalittlegodinallofus!
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 07:37:11 +0000

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