If only 5,000 Oromos sign up on PayPal to contribute only $5 - TopicsExpress


If only 5,000 Oromos sign up on PayPal to contribute only $5 monthly to Mecha and Tulema (MAT), we accumulate $25,000 monthly. In a year time, we will have $300,000. Imagine what we can do if lets say 10,000 Oromos sign up for just $5 a month!? We accumulate $600,000 in a year! What if 20,000 sign up? It will be 1.2 million dollar! What do we do with this? This is what I think... First, Mecha and Tulema will revive and will become so powerful and graceful. Second, there will be no more need for fund raising whenever something happens on our people. Mecha and Tulema will take care of it. Third, MAT can support our people all over the world who are in need; MAT can sponsor researchers to make studies and documentary films about our history, culture and language, religion, ...; MAT can sponsor our artists to produce music, movie, ...; MAT can sponsor our outstanding students from back home to study abroad; MAT can support our intellectuals who have been fired by the govt like Dr Gemechu, Dr Merera, .... ; MAT can reward our legends and heroes. Ali Birra for example will be called MAT Award Winner. You name it ... This is without mentioning how much we scare the hell out of Woyane and the politics will become! This will be whats going to happen after the board of MAT approve it: there will be contributor recruiters on social media which will be officially delegated by MAT. Those would be reputed activists known to the people on social media. THERE IS NOTHING MORE POWERFUL THAN AN IDEA WHOSE TIME HAS COME! THE TIME IS COMING FOR THE LION OF GADA (JUSTICE AND DEMOCRACY) TO RULE OVER THE HORN OF AFRICA! AMEN!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 16:26:38 +0000

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