If the decision is Yes come Thursday, the supporters of the No - TopicsExpress


If the decision is Yes come Thursday, the supporters of the No vote can only post the blame on one thing. Since the start of this debate, weve been fed nothing but lies from those campaigning to stay in the Union, and for a while, people were believing it. In the past few weeks and months, more and more of those lies have been attacked, and when under pressure, these people could offer absolutely no response. Now, thanks to common sense taking over, as well as the main figureheads of the Better Together campaign seemingly finding nothing for pressure, the people of Scotland, bit by bit, are realizing the lies. Theyre realizing that everything weve been fed since the Bill was passed for this referendum has been utter drivel. David Cameron, Alistair Darling, George Galloway and all the other Better Together campaigners will be the downfall of the Union. Terrible politicians telling us all terrible things so we would make a terrible decision - that being a No vote. The time is almost upon us, are you going to be known as someone who had the chance of a better future, and passed it up because you werent sure? Or do you want to be part of something that matters? To vote Yes, we will only be kicking off the road to something special. Maybe we dont thrive at first, maybe it takes a while, but at the end of the day, will it not be worth it knowing that we have secured a better and brighter future for our kids and theirs after? In your deepest heart of hearts, you all know its the only viable option. Stay in the Union and suffer the consequences of having the audacity to try and leave, or grasp this opportunity with both hands and prove every naysayer across the country wrong. Thursday is just the beginning people, all you have to do is vote Yes.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 21:27:26 +0000

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