If you are interested in learning more about this Transformation - TopicsExpress


If you are interested in learning more about this Transformation program and hearing FIRST HAND from participants that are on this plan and what this program has done for them - please join us on these LIVE calls. This program is for EVERYONE of all ages, male, female, athletes, nursing/pregnant mommies, etc. We will have Transformation Tuesday Calls EVERY Tuesday at the SAME time. These calls are only 20 minutes long. The first 5-10 minutes the details of the Transformation Plan is shared then the last 10 minutes we will have a special guest sharing with us their experience they had during their Transformation. Please feel free to to share these calls with friends and family as well. If you have questions regarding the Transformation program- please let me know! These calls will always be at 6:25 PST / 8:25pm CST . Calls fill up quickly! 712-432-1500 pass-code 360730# Lines are muted, so you can listen while driving, cooking, exercising, etc! Share with your friends and family who want to learn more about the Complete Transformation Plan and what it can do for their life! :-) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Recorded calls from PAST Transformation Tuesday calls below: Wow! These stories are impacting people greatly!!! Here is a list of all recorded calls for you to hear online, via your phone and to share with others you love. teamjp.net/jpt/TransformationTuesdayCalls.pdf. Just click on the name and its an MP3 that you can listen to from your phone or online without dialing in. OR you can dail in: To listen back: Dial 712-432-1202 passcode 360730# with the following reference number. Ref 19# Rachels story I still have tears after hearing this call. Rachel Burch is a stay at home mom and holistic health coach. She has one son, Cole who is 4 years old. 2 years ago, after practicing law for 10 years, Rachel retired from the law to stay home with Cole. At 18 months, Cole was diagnosed with developmental delays and was considered likely on the autism spectrum. Cole was a picky eater and was always sick. Now 2 years later, thanks to Juice Plus, Cole is rarely ever sick and his diagnosis is now autism - resolved. Ref 18# Linneas story: WOW!! Hear HOPE in the story of this 51 year-old single mother of 13 yr old twins - full time Univ CA instructor during the day and p/t instructor at night = no time to cook/eat/exercise right - hated exercise - history of back/hip/blood pressure problems (due to excess weight) - been dieting unsuccessfully for 40 years - sick and tired of being sick and tired, so I decided to try CT for 30 days starting on July 20, 2013 and have never looked back!! Ref 17# Leannes story: Leanne shared her amazing story of how she lost 70 lbs 10 years ago using the Juice Plus Complete Transformation Plan and has kept off the weight and reversed many other health conditions. She believes: “Not only is it possible to slow down aging, find alternatives to pharmaceuticals, prevent disease and live a life of vitality, it is in our control. Ref 16# Tanya story: Tayna is a former Division I College Volleyball player. She has always been an athlete but she has never been healthy, spending her life eating cherry sours, skittles, red vines, sour patch kids and peppermint patties! Besides candy, she subsisted on rice, pasta and bread, only eating fruits and vegetables and drinking water as a last resort. She has been on the Juice Plus Trio for 3 ½ years and started eating fruits and vegetables, drinking more water, and making better choices. But, Complete Transformation has changed her sugar first habits and she is proud to say she made it through all of October and November without eating one single candy corn! While weight has never been a problem for Tanya, she has lost 13 lbs since September on the CT as she has cleaned herself out, restarted her system and transformed her body. At 40 years old, she has never felt better! Ref 15# Sandies story: As a Cuban-American married to a Mexican, our diet was so full of processed foods and foods with no nutritional value. Add Type 2 Diabetes to the recipe and it was a disaster. I was so tired of feeling sick all the time. Thankfully, I was introduced to the Complete Transformation Plan! I was ready and it was a simple plan that made sense - using the right foods to fuel and heal the body! At first I noticed my energy level - I no longer needed at nap at 3pm. I was getting good quality sleep, lost some inches, my blood sugar was controlled and I no longer felt like I was walking around in a fog. I am generally a very happy person, but for a long time the smile hid the pain. Now, I am so thankful for my Complete Transformation and the smile is genuine. Ref 11# Kevin, age 18, shared his story blew everyone away! Hear how Kevin traded his processed foods and almost daily Jack-in-the-Box run for 2 shakes, clean eating and Juice Plus! His cravings quickly changed and was able to easily quit sodas and junk food. In this process, he lost 47 pounds, 7 inches and gained 20 pounds of muscle back! Hes on a mission to help his college buddies incorporate the same clean eating that hes doing, coupled with exercise, Juice Plus and Complete smoothies to have the best athletic performance they can! Ref 10# Coco, fitness instructor gave the most heart warming story of how her mother who is suffering from Alzheimers had an incredible turn around in her mental clarity, energy, depression, eating more and gaining more of her life back with the power of food (JP+ CT)! Ref 9# McKenzie (17 years old) discovered after a week of terrible eating at a senior retreat, her acne was back. Started CT and within 11 days, her skin went back to porcelain looking skin, ate smaller portions, drank more water and gained a better sense of what clean eating, exercise, water and JP can do for her overall health. Ref 8# Julie Powers, Zumba instructor was a junk food junkie that turned everything around with CT. Workouts got better, less sugar cravings, better food choices and more! Ref 7# Teri Lynn Cronin, extremely busy mom to four kids was having low energy, wasnt eating breakfast, only coffee and making poor food choices. She got incredible results with CT for her acne, sleep and more. Ref 6# Azucena Rivera struggled with stress, pain, weight, wanting to save money and wanted to begin a new life with CT. She has transformed inside and out after being on CT for 10 months, reducing pain, improving her mood and losing over 70 pounds with gaining muscle mass! Ref 5# Carolyn Slaton, pregnant mom talks about how adding the shakes and the 3 blend to her 2nd pregnancy has made a huge difference in this pregnancy versus the first. Energy, cravings, skin, less weight gain and more. Ref 3# Johnny (67 year old Vet with PTSD) shares his amazing journey with CT. His outlook on life is brighter, has more energy and has lost 4 inches in his waist and gained 2 in his chest. Ref 2# Cindy Sebastian, Zumba/fitness instructor, JP+ for 16 years, shares her great experience with CT. EMBRACE these calls..... SHARE these calls.... and INSPIRE with these calls!
Posted on: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 16:46:21 +0000

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