If you are planning on seeing the new movie Into The Storm, or - TopicsExpress


If you are planning on seeing the new movie Into The Storm, or know of somebody who is going to, you might share this with them. I went to see it in between shows this evening since weather is my job. Here are my thoughts... The movie was very intense and fun to watch...and the theatre was packed. So I would give it high marks for that, however, I would NOT take a young child to this movie. They could end up being scared of tornadoes for life after watching this movie if they do not understand its not real. Of course, Hollywood went way overboard when it comes to the science in the movie... Here is my list of science whoppers: Number 5, we are not good enough to forecast where a tornado will hit BEFORE it forms. We track it after its on the ground. Number 4, Even the weak rope tornadoes caused EF-5 damage...that does NOT happen. Number 3, 4 tornadoes in one day in one town will not happen. We had 2 tornadoes hit the same area once during the Palm Sunday outbreak in 1965. It happened just south of Elkhart, here in Michiana. But 4 is not going to happen...one after the other during an 8 hour period. Number 2, The tornadoes shown moved way too slow, lasted forever in one spot, and then went from an EF-5 to nothing in seconds. That doesnt happen. Number 1, There is no large eye in the middle of a tornado. However, I had to add the triple decker whopper for this movie, since the audience actually laughed when it happened because it was so absurd. This is a spoiler alert...dont read this if you dont want this part spoiled... When the storm chaser, in his very heavy tank of a vehicle, is spun so far up into the eye of the storm that he comes out of the top into the sunshine, its utterly ridiculous. And thats why the audience laughed along with me... So, go if you want an intense, fun, movie, but dont go if you want something realistic to what nature would bring... :)
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 03:27:22 +0000

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