If you had three wishes in life, what would it be, and dont - TopicsExpress


If you had three wishes in life, what would it be, and dont include a material thing...Number one would be to reverse time to the day I decided to give my children vaccines...that fateful day that I could never reverse...there is no take over do over days that would impact my life more than that fateful day. It would be the game changer, life event that I should tag on fb. The day that a stupid uninformed semi quasi asleep young mom decided that white coats know what they are talking about. Who was I but a young 21 year old mother, questioning a big person with a white coat on? Now you young moms have so much evidence in front of you. I raised my kids before the personal computer. The google university if you will. The Facebook page. I wish, how I wish you would listen to this experienced senior citizen now, who has two very damaged vaccine injured children, because in that fateful day, I turned my baby over to the Gods of vaccine zealotry...to do with them as what they will... The second would be the day I knew I was pregnant with my son and straightway was into health nutty crunchy mama ways, and go to a naturopath to heal my immune system while pregnant, Ivs, glutathione, B and folate (for undermethylation as in folinic)...yep...things would have also changed just from that. Third, it would be the very day they decided to put amalgams in my teeth. I would push away the dentist and say something to the affect of, do you know mercury outgasses for years? NO THANKS! Those three fateful days, would have changed the course of my entire life, bendable moments, when all things would have shifted to ease of life, health, and I have to confess a bit more happiness of being alive. How Necessary and PIVOTAL those three decisions were! If I could tell any young mom this, it may save their child from damage....but do they listen? SMH....FP
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 02:06:36 +0000

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