If you know who to ask when you dont know which way to go; and you - TopicsExpress


If you know who to ask when you dont know which way to go; and you not only know who Steve and Joe are AND have a preference for one over the other - you might be a sahd (or a mom). Ok, you talked me into it. I dont think you can blog on Facebook and I dont want to go through the process of setting up one outside of Facebook. Someone will have to tell me how to do this on Facebook differently than just posting... Ill attempt to do it daily but I cant promise anything. Cause kids stuff happens! I will attempt to do it during rest/quiet/(please Lord) nap time. Im going to stick with sahd for now. It just works in so many ways hehe. But then again it can be construed negatively (try and verbalize it) as well so Ill keep an open mind. So, you know Amy attempted to help me out yesterday and if you read my later comment you realized I blew it. So, lets re-visit the visit to the doc. It was a referral from the ER visit so we really didnt have a choice on who to see. I wont mention where it was but if you are looking for an ophthalmologist for your kid and want my two cents, message me. The median age of the patients in the waiting room was 97 (rough guess). Every single patient there had a caregiver to make sure they made it from point a to b and didnt mistake the water fountain for a urinal. And about half of the caregivers were pushing 90. Ever seen a walker shunt a wheelchair? Its pretty cool how resourceful they can be. (If you dont know what shunt means look it up, youll most likely see a reference to Thomas the Tank Engine in the definition). No joke, one man pushing 103 told DJ I havent seen you in a while. Dude, obviously you are in the right place - you havent seen much in a while. So I start filling out the three pages of patient information. omg why do u have to repeat half of one page on the next? Each new page, front AND back has like 3 NEW questions - the other 3/4 of the page worth of questions u filled out on the previous page! Anyway, I get to the meds hes taking. So I start pulling out his bottles, and drops, and inhalers cause Ill NEVER be good enough to remember the names of all NINE meds he takes off an on. The reason for all of them is fodder for another time. Of course theyre dropping all over the floor and D and I are crawling under chairs and trying to avoid canes and Im trying to explain to my son that you arent supposed to kick those tennis balls at the bottom of those poles even if theyre moving. Im pretty sure we have everything collected when D has to go potty. Now weve just started this process so every new time is an adventure. And I was reminded this trip about how a lever works. Of course the potty was too high for his manhood to reach over, (more so for the length of his legs;) so he had to sit. Now, of course the new potty goer needs to see what is exiting the body right? I think its a good learning experience. Whilst sitting, if you bend down to look, the mid section acts as a fulcrum. Head goes down, weewee goes up - makes perfect sense. So after I cleaned up the floor and we washed hands we went back to the waiting room to see EVERYONE scanning the whole of the room for a fire truck. My alarm on my phone that I left on the chair (pretty sure I could catch anyone trying to make off with it) was going off to remind me to pick up my oldest from school. I could see it in their eyes if we all drop and roll (they were already stopped) theres no one in here young enough to pick us back up. So they figured theyd continue looking (you do remember which doc we are seeing right?:) around and if it was there time to go then that was fine. One lady told another I have dnr orders so dont let them touch me! Holy cow, that was like 20 minutes of our day yesterday and took forever to write. Im obviously not going to be able to cover everything in our day to day activities but Ill hit the high (or low) points. Lesson for the day: Dads make every doctors visit you can! Some of you are no doubt better than I used to be. Amy used to ask me all the time to help with doctors visits (and that was usually with two!). I always had some excuse why I couldnt take off work. Trust me, that hour or two worth of sick time will be well worth it! For you? Probably not. But once you decided to have kids you decided life, at least for a while, isnt about you. You actually probably shouldve realized that when you exchanged rings. My second dad, Jack Greer, told me something I will never forget when we first got pregnant. He said, From this point on, EVERYTHING you do and every decision you make will be more about it how it affects your children than how it affects you. Pretty awesome advice from a pretty awesome person. DJ will be fine btw, a scratch on his iris which some ointment (which he just begs me to insert in his eye while using the jaws of life to pry open his eyelids 4 times a day) will clear it up in a few days. Happy Parenting!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 19:15:56 +0000

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