If you want to equal out the system, citizens, should have the - TopicsExpress


If you want to equal out the system, citizens, should have the right to shoot cops. If an officer of the law, is being corrupt or unlawful, then that citizen can protect themselves or a citizen can step in on their behalf. Its obvious that police brutality will never stop, and in fact, will only get worse, so until there is a way to establish some kind of order, a law should be passed allowing citizens the right to defend themselves if they are rightfully being mistreated by authorities. That, coupled with cameras on cops, and citizens with phones, should help even the playing field. And no....there shouldnt be a ban on guns, until police stop carrying them as well....even then so, the law should still be passed. If no cops, are being crooked, or no cops are abusing their authority, then there should be no worries, and any citizen abusing the right to defend themselves from cops, would be prosecuted as usual. The problem is, that theres no law in place (well, in theory, there is), to protect citizens from law enforcement themselves. A clear cut, written law on behalf of citizens would help. Its just my opinion.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 11:59:21 +0000

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